基于检查数字是否大于或小于中位数的解决方案。只要测试的列数是偶数,一组随机双精度数中恰好有一半会大于中位数,一半会小于中位数。这保证了正好有 50% 的位被翻转。
nRows = 3;
nCols = 16; %# divisible by 4
%# seed the array
%# assume that the numbers in each row are unique (very, very likely)
array = rand(nRows,nCols);
out = false(nRows,nCols);
%# first row is special
out(1,:) = array(1,:) > median(array(1,:));
%# for the rest of the row, check median for the zeros/ones in the previous row
for iRow = 2:nRows
zeroIdx = out(iRow-1,:) == 0;
%# > or < do not matter, both will replace zeros/ones
%# and replace with exactly half zeros and half ones
out(iRow,zeroIdx) = array(iRow,zeroIdx) > median(array(iRow,zeroIdx));
out(iRow,~zeroIdx) = array(iRow,~zeroIdx) > median(array(iRow,~zeroIdx));