通过 Javascript 使用,还是使用基于线程的更惯用的解决方案?
2 回答
带来了一些挑战,Alexander、Erik 和 Luite 本人提出了一些评论,并让我尝试了线程。这无缝地工作,非常干净的代码类似于以下内容:
import Control.Concurrent( forkIO, threadDelay )
import Control.Monad( forever )
... within an IO block
threadId <- forkIO $ forever $ do
threadDelay (60 * 1000 * 1000) -- one minute in microseconds, not milliseconds like in Javascript!
Haskell 具有轻量级线程的概念,因此这是惯用的 Haskell 方式,以异步方式运行操作,就像使用 JavascriptsetInterval
我的回答不是 GHCJS 特定的,也没有在 GHCJS 上测试过,只有 GHC,但它说明了 OP 的幼稚解决方案存在问题。
这是我的 OP 解决方案版本,供比较如下:
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Control.Monad ( forever )
-- | Run @action@ every @period@ seconds.
runPeriodicallyBigDrift :: Double -> IO () -> IO ()
runPeriodicallyBigDrift period action = forever $ do
threadDelay (round $ period * 10 ** 6)
假设“定期执行一个动作”意味着动作每隔几秒开始, OP 的解决方案是有问题的,因为threadDelay
它没有考虑动作本身所花费的时间。在 n 次迭代之后,动作的开始时间至少会偏移运行 n 次所需的时间!
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Control.Concurrent.Async ( async, link )
import Control.Monad ( forever )
-- | Run @action@ every @period@ seconds.
runPeriodicallySmallDrift :: Double -> IO () -> IO ()
runPeriodicallySmallDrift period action = forever $ do
-- We reraise any errors raised by the action, but
-- we don't check that the action actually finished within one
-- period. If the action takes longer than one period, then
-- multiple actions will run concurrently.
link =<< async action
threadDelay (round $ period * 10 ** 6)
在我的实验中(下面有更多细节),在我的系统上生成一个线程大约需要 0.001 秒,因此runPeriodicallySmallDrift
n 次迭代后的漂移大约是千分之 n 秒,在某些用例中可以忽略不计。
在总时间乘以周期时开始第 th 次迭代n
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
-- | Run @action@ every @period@ seconds.
runPeriodicallyConstantDrift :: Double -> IO () -> IO ()
runPeriodicallyConstantDrift period action = do
start <- getPOSIXTime
go start 1
go start iteration = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
-- Current time.
let elapsed = realToFrac $ now - start
-- Time at which to run action again.
let target = iteration * period
-- How long until target time.
let delay = target - elapsed
-- Fail loudly if the action takes longer than one period. For
-- some use cases it may be OK for the action to take longer
-- than one period, in which case remove this check.
when (delay < 0 ) $ do
let msg = printf "runPeriodically: action took longer than one period: delay = %f, target = %f, elapsed = %f"
delay target elapsed
error msg
threadDelay (round $ delay * microsecondsInSecond)
go start (iteration + 1)
microsecondsInSecond = 10 ** 6
根据下面的实验,漂移始终约为 1/1000 秒,与动作的迭代次数无关。
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
-- | Use a @runPeriodically@ implementation to run an action
-- periodically with period @period@. The action takes
-- (approximately) @runtime@ seconds to run.
testRunPeriodically :: (Double -> IO () -> IO ()) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
testRunPeriodically runPeriodically runtime period = do
iterationRef <- newIORef 0
start <- getPOSIXTime
startRef <- newIORef start
runPeriodically period $ action startRef iterationRef
action startRef iterationRef = do
now <- getPOSIXTime
start <- readIORef startRef
iteration <- readIORef iterationRef
writeIORef iterationRef (iteration + 1)
let drift = (iteration * period) - (realToFrac $ now - start)
printf "test: iteration = %.0f, drift = %f\n" iteration drift
threadDelay (round $ runtime * 10**6)
以下是测试结果。在每种情况下,测试一个运行 0.05 秒的动作,并使用两倍的时间,即 0.1 秒。
,n 次迭代后的漂移大约是单次迭代运行时间的 n 倍,正如预期的那样。100 次迭代后,漂移为 -5.15,仅从动作运行时预测的漂移为 -5.00:
ghci> testRunPeriodically runPeriodicallyBigDrift 0.05 0.1
test: iteration = 98, drift = -5.045410253
test: iteration = 99, drift = -5.096661091
test: iteration = 100, drift = -5.148137684
test: iteration = 101, drift = -5.199764033999999
test: iteration = 102, drift = -5.250980596
,n 次迭代后的漂移约为 0.001 秒,大概是在我的系统上生成线程所需的时间:
ghci> testRunPeriodically runPeriodicallySmallDrift 0.05 0.1
test: iteration = 98, drift = -0.08820333399999924
test: iteration = 99, drift = -0.08908210599999933
test: iteration = 100, drift = -0.09006684400000076
test: iteration = 101, drift = -0.09110764399999915
test: iteration = 102, drift = -0.09227584299999947
,漂移在大约 0.001 秒处保持恒定(加上噪声):
ghci> testRunPeriodically runPeriodicallyConstantDrift 0.05 0.1
test: iteration = 98, drift = -0.0009586619999986112
test: iteration = 99, drift = -0.0011010979999994674
test: iteration = 100, drift = -0.0011610369999992542
test: iteration = 101, drift = -0.0004908619999977049
test: iteration = 102, drift = -0.0009897379999994627
import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
-- | Run a stateful @action@ every @period@ seconds.
-- Achieves uniformly bounded drift (i.e. independent of the number of
-- iterations of the action) of about 0.001 seconds,
runPeriodicallyWithState :: Double -> st -> (st -> IO st) -> IO ()
runPeriodicallyWithState period st0 action = do
start <- getPOSIXTime
go start 1 st0
go start iteration st = do
st' <- action st
now <- getPOSIXTime
let elapsed = realToFrac $ now - start
let target = iteration * period
let delay = target - elapsed
-- Warn if the action takes longer than one period. Originally I
-- was failing in this case, but in my use case we sometimes,
-- but very infrequently, take longer than the period, and I
-- don't actually want to crash in that case.
when (delay < 0 ) $ do
printf "WARNING: runPeriodically: action took longer than one period: delay = %f, target = %f, elapsed = %f"
delay target elapsed
threadDelay (round $ delay * microsecondsInSecond)
go start (iteration + 1) st'
microsecondsInSecond = 10 ** 6
-- | Run a stateless @action@ every @period@ seconds.
-- Achieves uniformly bounded drift (i.e. independent of the number of
-- iterations of the action) of about 0.001 seconds,
runPeriodically :: Double -> IO () -> IO ()
runPeriodically period action =
runPeriodicallyWithState period () (const action)