I have an R package building on Travis-ci (private repo, so I can't directly share link). I am also using Git LFS. I get the following error messagae from travis:

Warning in checkRdaFiles(Sys.glob(c(file.path(ddir, "*.rda"), file.path(ddir,  :
  NAs introduced by coercion
Warning in checkRdaFiles(Sys.glob(c(file.path(ddir, "*.rda"), file.path(ddir,  :
  NAs introduced by coercion
Warning in checkRdaFiles(Sys.glob(c(file.path(ddir, "*.rda"), file.path(ddir,  :
  NAs introduced by coercion
Error in if (any(update)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Execution halted
The command "R CMD build  ." failed and exited with 1 during .
Your build has been stopped.

Those errors are from tools::checkRdaFiles(), and you can find the R checking procedure at those lines Here. When I run those same lines on my local machine, I don't get any warnings, and update is FALSE.

On my machine, the package builds fine.

My .travis.yml:

language: r
sudo: required
warnings_are_errors: false

Note, I also tried an older .yaml (style one would use before language: r was supported).

I think the problem is occurring because Travis CI cannot find the actual binary files; on GitHub, those large binaries are just 3 lines of text. That would probably result in the warnings.

Is this a problem related to Git LFS? Can I get Travis to pass my R package if I use Git LFS for my private repo?


1 回答 1


我曾尝试将 git-lfs 集成到我的 travis-ci 构建结构中,但没有成功,我遇到了同样的问题。

这里的问题是 travis 还没有在所有情况下都完全支持 git-lfs。像你一样,我会运行 lfs 命令,但它不会将二进制文件下载到容器中。

我最近没有看到 Travis 对他们的 git-lfs 实现的改进有任何变化,但是在他们的支持变得更好之前,我不能使用它并且会预料到这些问题。

于 2016-02-04T17:07:56.177 回答