I have a checkout form as follows: step 1 (Booking Details) and 2 (Customer Details) are part of a a SPA (Single Page Application), and step 3 (Payment Method Selection) is on a separate, dedicated page. For all steps I additionally want to track checkout options.

Before proceeding to step 3, the form input of step 1 and 2 are tracked to GA: this seems to work fine:

  • The 'EE Checkout Option Tag' is fired twice (for step 1 and 2)
  • The values of the dataLayer are correct
  • The collect pixel is sent twice (200 OK), and contains the correct data (i.e. the checkout options I want to track)

However, when I look in Analytics, find my test order, and add 'Checkout Options' as a secondary dimension, I only see the checkout options for step 1.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Does anyone have any idea?


1 回答 1


电子商务 - 结帐



  • 结帐步骤 1(预订详情) -
  • 结帐步骤 2(客户详细信息) - 在 SPA 中,这必须在步骤 1 之后调用(onscroll 事件,在打开选项卡后自动或手动选择选项)
  • 结帐步骤 3(付款方式选择)

电子商务 - checkoutOption

可以选择调用event checkoutOption以使用相同的 step参数扩展先前的 checkout调用。

  • checkout_option 步骤 1(预订详细信息)- 用户选择后发送
  • checkout_option 第 2 步(客户详细信息)- 在用户之后发送或离开页面到第 3 步
  • checkout_option 步骤 3(付款方式选择) - 在用户选择后或移动到购买页面时发送


GTM 和 EE 的文档(https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/enhanced-ecommerce#checkout)非常具有误导性,不如从https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs学习/enhanced-ecommerce#checkout-process

于 2015-11-09T13:08:31.883 回答