所以,我决定使用lsort -command
package require Itcl
::itcl::class Region {
public method print { name } {
puts "$name: $x1_ $y1_ $x2_ $y2_"
public method X1 { } { return $x1_ }
public method Y1 { } { return $y1_ }
public method X2 { } { return $x2_ }
public method Y2 { } { return $y2_ }
# The x1 coordinate of the region
public variable x1_ ""
# The y1 coordinate of the region
public variable y1_ ""
# The x2 coordinate of the region
public variable x2_ ""
# The y2 coordinate of the region
public variable y2_ ""
# two regions will be equal <=> when they overlap each other
proc compareRegs { region1 region2 } {
return [ expr {[$region1 X2] <= [$region2 X1] || [$region1 Y2] <= [$region2 Y1] } ]
# reg1 and reg2 don't overlap
Region reg1
reg1 configure -x1_ 5.5 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 6.5 -y2_ 5.7014
Region reg2
reg2 configure -x1_ 3.567 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 3.767 -y2_ 5.7014
# reg2 = reg3
Region reg3
reg3 configure -x1_ 3.567 -y1_ 5.5014 -x2_ 3.767 -y2_ 5.7014
# create a usual list
set myList { reg1 reg2 reg3 }
# sort the list
set mySortedList [lsort -unique -command compareRegs $myList]
puts "start mySortedList"
foreach reg $mySortedList {
$reg print "reg"
puts "end mySortedList"
# mySortedList = {reg2}
if { [llength $mySortedList] != [llength $myList] } {
puts "ERROR: Regions must not overlap"
# let's see what's going on
# reg2 < reg1 is true
puts "result of reg1 < reg2: [compareRegs reg1 reg2]"
puts "result of reg2 < reg1: [compareRegs reg2 reg1]"
# reg2 = reg3 is true
puts "result of reg2 < reg3: [compareRegs reg2 reg3]"
puts "result of reg3 < reg2: [compareRegs reg3 reg2]"
# i.e, in sorted list we should have {reg2 reg1}
似乎lsort -unique -command