在处理 BCC 字段时,我们发现它似乎无法直接获取 BCC 地址。参考RFC2822,出现了更多问题。
" There are three ways in which the "Bcc:" field is used.
In the first case, when a message containing a "Bcc:" field
is prepared to be sent, the "Bcc:" line is removed even
though all of the recipients (including those specified
in the "Bcc:" field) are sent a copy of the message...
Finally, since a "Bcc:" field may contain no addresses, a
"Bcc:" field can be sent without any addresses indicating
to the recipients that blind copies were sent to someone. "
To: to1@address.com
cc: cc1@address.com
bcc: bcc1@address.com
我的问题是,当收件人 bcc1@address.com 收到其电子邮件时,电子邮件源文件中是否会有“bcc1@address.com”?如果是,那么它放在什么字段?如果没有,那么当没有关于“bcc1@address.com”的任何信息时,这封电子邮件怎么可能发送给收件人?