请注意,这不是 this、this、this 的副本,因为我需要的不是对另一个集合中的文档的引用,而是对集合本身的引用。
* Base class for content
var ContentSchema = new Schema({
URI: {type: String, trim: true, unique: true, required: true },
auth: {type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId], ref: 'User'},
timestamps: {
creation: {type: Date, default: Date.now},
lastModified: {type: Date, default: Date.now}
}, {collection: 'content'}); // The plural form of content is content
* Pages are a content containing a body and a title
var PageSchema = ContentSchema.extend({
title: {type: String, trim: true, unique: true, required: true },
format: {type: String, trim: true, required: true, validate: /^(md|html)$/, default: 'html' },
body: {type: String, trim: true, required: true}
* Articles are pages with a reference to its author and a list of tags
* articles may have a summary
var ArticleSchema = PageSchema.extend({
author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true },
summary: { type: String },
tags: { type: [String] }
* Content sets are groups of content intended to be displayed by views
var ContentSetSchema = ContentSchema.extend({
name: {type: String, trim: true, unique: true, required: true },
description: {type: String },
content: [{
source: { type: [OTHER_SCHEMA] }, // <- HERE
filter: {type: String, trim: true },
order: {type: String, trim: true }