def change(pic, startX, startY, getHeight, getWidth, endColour): 
  width = getWidth
  height = getHeight 
  picture = makePicture(pic)
  for px in getPixels(picture):
    x = getX(px)
    y = getY(px)
    if (startX <= x <= getHeight) and (startY <= y <= getWidth):
      if (distance(black, getColor(px)) < 95):
        setColor(px, endColour)
  show (picture)
  return (picture)

这是我到目前为止的代码。我需要做的是将照片中黑色像素的中间 1/3 更改为红色,将黑色像素的底部 1/3 更改为黄色,并在照片上打印更改为多少黑色像素黄色,有多少变成了红色。我对 JES 和 Jython 以及整体编程非常陌生,因此非常感谢您提供帮助!


1 回答 1


您应该添加您谈论的内容:https ://github.com/gatech-csl/jes


def change(pic, startX, startY, endColour): 
  picture = makePicture(pic)
  width = getWidth
  height = getHeight 
  changedPixels = 0
  for px in getPixels(picture):
    x = getX(px)
    y = getY(px)
    if (startX <= x <= height) and (startY <= y <= width):
      if (distance(black, getColor(px)) < 95):
        changedPixels = changedPixels + 1
        setColor(px, endColour)
  show (picture)
  print "I changed", changedPixels, "pixels"
  return (picture)

我的 JES 控制台:

======= Loading Program =======
>>> change('demos/image.jpg', 2, 2, makeColor(0,0,0))
I changed 11214 pixels
Picture, filename /home/marty/Downloads/jes-5.020-linux/demos/image.jpg height 234 width 313


于 2015-11-06T12:48:45.087 回答