有两件事我需要帮助,但我很难弄清楚。它们在下面列出 - 非常感谢任何帮助。
//Open Package
package headphone_wk6;
//Import scanner since this will require user input
import java.util.Scanner;
// Creat class for headphones
public class HeadPhone_WK6 {
//Call scanner
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in);
//Initialize input variable
int Input;
//Declare constant Variables
public static final int LOW = 1;
public static final int MEDIUM = 2;
public static final int HIGH = 3;
//Declare Private variables
private int volume;
private boolean pluggedIn;
private String manufacturer;
private String headPhoneColor;
//Declare Strings
String pluggedInStat;
String volumeNow;
// Constructor for class
public HeadPhone_WK6(int volume, boolean pluggedIn, String manufacturer, String headPhoneColor) {
this.volume = volume;
this.pluggedIn = pluggedIn;
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
this.headPhoneColor = headPhoneColor;
// Default Constructor for default settings
public HeadPhone_WK6() {
volume = MEDIUM;
pluggedIn = false;
manufacturer = "";
headPhoneColor = "";
// setVolume
public void setVolume(int volume) {
this.volume = volume;
// getVolume
public int getVolume() {
if (volume == 1) {
volumeNow = "LOW";
else if (volume == 2) {
volumeNow = "MEDIUM";
else {
volumeNow = "HIGH";
return volume;
// setPluggedIn
public void setPluggedIn(boolean pluggedIn) {
this.pluggedIn = pluggedIn;
// getPluggedIn
public boolean getPluggedIn() {
if(pluggedIn == true) {
pluggedInStat = "Plugged In";
else {
pluggedInStat = "Not Plugged In";
return pluggedIn;
// setManufacturer
public void setManufacturer(String manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
// getManufacturer
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
// setHeadPhoneColor
public void setHeadPhoneColor(String headPhoneColor) {
this.headPhoneColor = headPhoneColor;
// getHeadPhoneColor
public String getHeadPhoneColor() {
return headPhoneColor;
// method to create string
public String toString() {
boolean phonesPluggedIn = this.getPluggedIn();
String phoneManufacturer = this.getManufacturer();
String phoneColor = this.getHeadPhoneColor();
String currentVolume = this.volumeNow;
//Build String for characteristics of phones
StringBuilder characteristics = new StringBuilder();
characteristics.append(String.format("\nThe Head Phone Manufacturer "
+ "is: %s", phoneManufacturer));
characteristics.append(String.format("\nThe Color of the Head Phone Set "
+ "is: %s", phoneColor));
characteristics.append(String.format("\nThe Head Phones are Currently: "
+ " %s", phonesPluggedIn));
characteristics.append(String.format("\nThe Head Phone Volume is "
+ "Currently Set on: %s", currentVolume));
//return string for characteristics
return characteristics.toString();
package headphone_wk6;
//Import scanner since this will require user input
import java.util.Scanner;
//Test class for head phone
public class HeadPhone_WK6_Test {
//Command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Initialize input variable
int Input;
//Call scanner
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in);
HeadPhone_WK6 bestPair = new HeadPhone_WK6(2, false, "SONY", "BLUE");
HeadPhone_WK6 worstPair = new HeadPhone_WK6(2, false, "BOSE", "BLACK");
HeadPhone_WK6 decentPair = new HeadPhone_WK6(2, false, "RCA", "ORANGE");
int bestPairVolume = bestPair.getVolume();
boolean bestPairPluggedIn = bestPair.getPluggedIn();
String bestPairManufacturer = bestPair.getManufacturer();
String bestPairHeadPhoneColor = bestPair.getHeadPhoneColor();
String bestPairVolumeNow = bestPair.volumeNow;
String bestPairPluggedInStat = bestPair.pluggedInStat;
int worstPairVolume = worstPair.getVolume();
boolean worstPairPluggedIn = worstPair.getPluggedIn();
String worstPairManufacturer = worstPair.getManufacturer();
String worstPairHeadPhoneColor = worstPair.getHeadPhoneColor();
String worstPairVolumeNow = worstPair.volumeNow;
String worstPairPluggedInStat = worstPair.pluggedInStat;
int decentPairVolume = decentPair.getVolume();
boolean decentPairPluggedIn = decentPair.getPluggedIn();
String decentPairManufacturer = decentPair.getManufacturer();
String decentPairHeadPhoneColor = decentPair.getHeadPhoneColor();
String decentPairVolumeNow = decentPair.volumeNow;
String decentPairPluggedInStat = decentPair.pluggedInStat;
//Introduce HeadPhone helper
System.out.print("Hi there! Let's have you try a pair of head phones "
+ "on and we'll see what you think of them! \nStart by choosing a "
+ "random pair of head phones. To do this, enter 1, 2, or 3: ");
//Get user input for random pair of headphones
Input = stdin.nextInt();
//Loop for random headphone selection
if (Input == 1){
//echo user input
System.out.println("You have chosen the best pair of "
+ "headphones! Here is a list of the characteristics: ");
//End if
else if (Input == 2){
System.out.println("You have chosen the worst pair of "
+ "headphones. Here is a list of the characteristics: ");
//End If
else if(Input == 3){
System.out.println("You have chosen a decent pair of "
+ "headphones. Here is a list of the characteristics:");
//End If
System.out.println("You have expressed that you want to see "
+ "the default pair of headphones. They are the "
+ "decent pair! Here's a list of the characteristics:");