When running the celery worker then each line of the output of the pprint
is always prefixed by the timestamp and also is being stripped. This makes it quite unreadable:
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] {
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] u'key1'
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] :
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] 'value1'
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] ,
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2] ObjectId('55fff3b74322c53d18ae4687')
Is there a way how to tell celery not to format the output of pprint
the question was placed a bit wrong. The desired output would look something like this:
[2015-11-05 16:01:12,122: WARNING/Worker-2]
u'key1': 'value1',
u'_id': ObjectId('55fff3b74322c53d18ae4687'),