Create table customer
(CustomerID int(255) not null auto_increment,
FirstName varchar(255) not null,
LastName varchar(255) not null,
StreetAddress char(255) not null,
Apartment varchar(255) not null,
City varchar(255) not null,
State varchar(2) not null,
ZipCode int(9) not null,
HomePhone int(10) not null,
MobilePhone int(10) not null,
OtherPhone int(10) not null,
Primary Key (CustomerID));
insert into Customer 
(FirstName, LastName, StreetAddress, Apartment, City, State,
ZipCode, HomePhone, MobilePhone, OtherPhone)
Values ("Ken", "Weger", "StreetAddress", "Apartment", "City", 
"ST", 123456789, 1111111111, 222222222, 333333333);

Create Table Doughnut
(DoughnutID int(255) not null auto_increment,
Name varchar(255) not null,
Description varchar(255) not null,
UnitPrice decimal(3,2) not null,
Primary Key (DoughnutID));
insert into Doughnut (Name, Description, UnitPrice)
Values ("Plain", "Plain Donut", "1.50"),
("Glazed", "Glazed Donut", "1.75"),
("Cinnamon", "Cinnamon Donut", "1.75"),
("Chocolate", "Chocolate Donut", "1.75"),
("Sprinkle", "Sprinkle Donut", "1.75"),
("Gluten-Free", "Gluten-Free Donut", "2.00");

Create Table DoughnutOrder
(DoughnutOrderID int(255) not null auto_increment,
DoughnutID int(255),
Quantity int(255),
Primary Key (DoughnutOrderID),
Index Doughnut(doughnutid),
Foreign Key (DoughnutID) References Doughnut(DoughnutID));
Insert into Doughnutorder (DoughnutId, Quantity)
values ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid = 1), 1),
      ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid = 2), 5),
      ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid = 3), 12),
       ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid = 4), 3),
       ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid = 5), 4),
        ((select DoughnutId from Doughnut where doughnutid =6), 5);

Create Table Sales
(ORDERID int(255) not null Auto-increment,
CustomerID int(255) not null,
DoughnutOrderID int(255) not null,
`Date` date not null,
SpecialHandlingInstructions varchar(255),
Primary Key (ORDERID),
Index Customer (customerID),
Foreign Key (customerid) References customer(customerid),
Index doughnutorder (doughnutorderid),
Foreign Key (doughnutorderid) references doughnutorder(doughnutorderid);

 Insert into Sales (Customerid, DoughnutorderID, `date`, SpecialHandlingInstructions)
Values ((select customerid from customer), (select DoughnutOrderID from DoughnutOrder), 20151104, Please Include plates and napkins);

我正在 sqlfiddle 上使用它。它告诉我架构已准备就绪,但每次我做一个简单的

Select * from Sales;



1 回答 1



Create table customer
CustomerID int(255) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
FirstName varchar(255) not null,
LastName varchar(255) not null,
StreetAddress char(255) not null,
Apartment varchar(255) not null,
City varchar(255) not null,
State varchar(2) not null,
ZipCode int(9) not null,
HomePhone int(10) not null,
MobilePhone int(10) not null,
OtherPhone int(10) not null,
Primary Key (CustomerID)

insert into Customer 
(FirstName, LastName, StreetAddress, Apartment, City, State,
ZipCode, HomePhone, MobilePhone, OtherPhone)
Values ("Ken", "Weger", "StreetAddress", "Apartment", "City", 
"ST", 123456789, 1111111111, 222222222, 333333333);

Create Table Doughnut
(DoughnutID int(255) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
Name varchar(255) not null,
Description varchar(255) not null,
UnitPrice decimal(3,2) not null,
Primary Key (DoughnutID)

insert into Doughnut (Name, Description, UnitPrice)
Values ("Plain", "Plain Donut", "1.50"),
("Glazed", "Glazed Donut", "1.75"),
("Cinnamon", "Cinnamon Donut", "1.75"),
("Chocolate", "Chocolate Donut", "1.75"),
("Sprinkle", "Sprinkle Donut", "1.75"),
("Gluten-Free", "Gluten-Free Donut", "2.00");

Create Table DoughnutOrder
(DoughnutOrderID int(255) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
DoughnutID int(255),
Quantity int(255),
Primary Key (DoughnutOrderID),
Index Doughnut(doughnutid),
Foreign Key (DoughnutID) References Doughnut(DoughnutID));

Insert into Doughnutorder (DoughnutId, Quantity)
values (1, 1),
(2, 5),
(3, 12),
(4, 3),
(5, 4),
(6, 5);

Create Table Sales
ORDERID int(255) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
CustomerID int(255) not null,
DoughnutOrderID int(255) not null,
`Date` date not null,
SpecialHandlingInstructions varchar(255),
Primary Key (ORDERID),
Index Customer (customerID),
Foreign Key (customerid) References customer(customerid),
Index doughnutorder (doughnutorderid),
Foreign Key (doughnutorderid) references doughnutorder(doughnutorderid)

Insert into Sales (Customerid, DoughnutorderID, `date`, SpecialHandlingInstructions)
Values (1, 1, 20151104, 'Please Include plates and napkins');

SQL 语句

Select * from Sales;


|ORDERID|CustomerID|DoughnutOrderID|Date                      |SpecialHandlingInstructions                   |
|1      |1         |1              |November, 04 2015 00:00:00|Please Include plates and napkins
于 2016-12-20T07:11:48.420 回答