
我被要求帮助解决遗留系统上损坏的备份脚本。服务器上有一个脚本文件,它应该每小时运行一次,以将数据库备份到 Rackspace 云。这是结果。

START cf-postgresql-dump ...
Wed 04 Nov 2015 06:49:09 AM EST

Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Copying duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg to local cache.
Download of 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' failed (attempt 1): CloudFiles returned: 404 Not Found
Download of 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' failed (attempt 2): CloudFiles returned: 404 Not Found
Download of 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' failed (attempt 3): CloudFiles returned: 404 Not Found
Download of 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' failed (attempt 4): CloudFiles returned: 404 Not Found
Download of 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' failed (attempt 5): CloudFiles returned: 404 Not Found
Giving up downloading 'duplicity-full-signatures.20130622T180407Z.sigtar.gpg' after 5 attempts



1 回答 1


闻起来像 cf 后端坏了。cf API 可能有一些变化。

尝试更新到最新的 duplicity 0.6.x 或 0.7.x 并重试。


于 2015-11-05T13:49:14.263 回答