我想在android中使用Binders实现一个简单的IPC机制。为此,我在互联网上搜索并找到了这个。我编译了它,它在我的 Android 设备上运行良好。我试图通过在 AOSP 上搜索每个课程来全面了解该程序,但一切都变得更加困难和混乱。任何人都可以解释一下(只是高级),也许可以添加更多评论,这样它也可以帮助一些未来的访问者。这是从那里获取的代码:
#define LOG_TAG "binder_demo"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utils/RefBase.h"
#include "utils/Log.h"
#include "utils/TextOutput.h"
#include <binder/IInterface.h>
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <binder/ProcessState.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
using namespace android;
#define INFO(...) \
do { \
printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
printf("\n"); \
LOGD(__VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
void assert_fail(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *expr) {
INFO("assertion failed at file %s, line %d, function %s:",
file, line, func);
INFO("%s", expr);
#define ASSERT(e) \
do { \
if (!(e)) \
assert_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, #e); \
} while(0)
// Where to print the parcel contents: aout, alog, aerr. alog doesn't seem to work.
#define PLOG aout
// Interface (our AIDL) - Shared by server and client
class IDemo : public IInterface {
enum {
// Sends a user-provided value to the service
virtual void push(int32_t data) = 0;
// Sends a fixed alert string to the service
virtual void alert() = 0;
// Requests the service to perform an addition and return the result
virtual int32_t add(int32_t v1, int32_t v2) = 0;
DECLARE_META_INTERFACE(Demo); // Expands to 5 lines below:
//static const android::String16 descriptor;
//static android::sp<IDemo> asInterface(const android::sp<android::IBinder>& obj);
//virtual const android::String16& getInterfaceDescriptor() const;
//virtual ~IDemo();
// Client
class BpDemo : public BpInterface<IDemo> {
BpDemo(const sp<IBinder>& impl) : BpInterface<IDemo>(impl) {
virtual void push(int32_t push_data) {
Parcel data, reply;
aout << "BpDemo::push parcel to be sent:\n";
data.print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
remote()->transact(PUSH, data, &reply);
aout << "BpDemo::push parcel reply:\n";
reply.print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
LOGD("BpDemo::push(%i)", push_data);
virtual void alert() {
Parcel data, reply;
data.writeString16(String16("The alert string"));
remote()->transact(ALERT, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY); // asynchronous call
virtual int32_t add(int32_t v1, int32_t v2) {
Parcel data, reply;
aout << "BpDemo::add parcel to be sent:\n";
data.print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
remote()->transact(ADD, data, &reply);
LOGD("BpDemo::add transact reply");
reply.print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
int32_t res;
status_t status = reply.readInt32(&res);
LOGD("BpDemo::add(%i, %i) = %i (status: %i)", v1, v2, res, status);
return res;
// Macro above expands to code below. Doing it by hand so we can log ctor and destructor calls.
const android::String16 IDemo::descriptor("Demo");
const android::String16& IDemo::getInterfaceDescriptor() const {
return IDemo::descriptor;
android::sp<IDemo> IDemo::asInterface(const android::sp<android::IBinder>& obj) {
android::sp<IDemo> intr;
if (obj != NULL) {
intr = static_cast<IDemo*>(obj->queryLocalInterface(IDemo::descriptor).get());
if (intr == NULL) {
intr = new BpDemo(obj);
return intr;
IDemo::IDemo() { LOGD("IDemo::IDemo()"); }
IDemo::~IDemo() { LOGD("IDemo::~IDemo()"); }
// End of macro expansion
// Server
class BnDemo : public BnInterface<IDemo> {
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0);
status_t BnDemo::onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) {
LOGD("BnDemo::onTransact(%i) %i", code, flags);
data.print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
switch(code) {
case ALERT: {
alert(); // Ignoring the fixed alert string
return NO_ERROR;
} break;
case PUSH: {
int32_t inData = data.readInt32();
LOGD("BnDemo::onTransact got %i", inData);
ASSERT(reply != 0);
reply->print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
return NO_ERROR;
} break;
case ADD: {
int32_t inV1 = data.readInt32();
int32_t inV2 = data.readInt32();
int32_t sum = add(inV1, inV2);
LOGD("BnDemo::onTransact add(%i, %i) = %i", inV1, inV2, sum);
ASSERT(reply != 0);
reply->print(PLOG); endl(PLOG);
return NO_ERROR;
} break;
return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
class Demo : public BnDemo {
virtual void push(int32_t data) {
INFO("Demo::push(%i)", data);
virtual void alert() {
virtual int32_t add(int32_t v1, int32_t v2) {
INFO("Demo::add(%i, %i)", v1, v2);
return v1 + v2;
// Helper function to get a hold of the "Demo" service.
sp<IDemo> getDemoServ() {
sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
ASSERT(sm != 0);
sp<IBinder> binder = sm->getService(String16("Demo"));
// TODO: If the "Demo" service is not running, getService times out and binder == 0.
ASSERT(binder != 0);
sp<IDemo> demo = interface_cast<IDemo>(binder);
ASSERT(demo != 0);
return demo;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc == 1) {
LOGD("We're the service");
defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16("Demo"), new Demo());
LOGD("Demo service is now ready");
LOGD("Demo service thread joined");
} else if (argc == 2) {
INFO("We're the client: %s", argv[1]);
int v = atoi(argv[1]);
sp<IDemo> demo = getDemoServ();
const int32_t adder = 5;
int32_t sum = demo->add(v, adder);
LOGD("Addition result: %i + %i = %i", v, adder, sum);
return 0;