The NServiceBus documentation lists a benefit of SQL transport as:

Queues support competing consumers (multiple instances of same endpoint feeding off of same queue) so there is no need for distributor in order to scale out the processing


Who does NServiceBus prevent a message from being handled by multiple consumers if multiple consumers have subscribed to the same queue?

Does NServiceBus lock the entire table until the message is handled? Or is the message marked as 'being processed' ??


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SQL 传输使用非常具体的锁定提示来锁定行并导致其他竞争线程忽略当前锁定的任何行。

NServiceBus.SqlServer 2.2.0(我写这篇文章时的当前版本)开始,使用的 SQL 由我重新格式化,是:

WITH message AS 
    SELECT TOP(1) * 
    FROM [{Schema}].[{Queue}] WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST, ROWLOCK) 
    ORDER BY [RowVersion] ASC
DELETE FROM message 
OUTPUT deleted.Id, deleted.CorrelationId, deleted.ReplyToAddress, 
       deleted.Recoverable, deleted.Expires, deleted.Headers, deleted.Body;


  • UPDLOCK- 锁定数据以进行更新。
  • READPAST- 忽略锁定的行并获取下一个未锁定的行。
  • ROWLOCK- 强制行级锁,不要升级为页锁或表锁。


于 2015-11-04T16:02:46.197 回答