我想使用 Purescript 的 Halogen 编写前端的特定组件。


module RegistrationForm where

import Prelude


-- | The state of the application
newtype State = State { email :: String, password :: String }

derive instance genericState :: Generic State
instance showState :: Show State where show = gShow
instance eqState :: Eq State where eq = gEq

initialState :: State
initialState = State { email: "", password: "" }

-- | Inputs to the state machine
data Input a = FormSubmit a
             | UpdateEmail String a
             | UpdatePassword String a
             | NoAction a

type AppEffects eff = HalogenEffects (ajax :: AJAX, console :: CONSOLE | eff)

ui :: forall eff . Component State Input (Aff (AppEffects eff))
ui = component render eval
    render :: Render State Input
    render (State state) = H.div_
        [ H.h1_ [ H.text "Register" ]
        , ...

    eval :: Eval Input State Input (Aff (AppEffects eff))
    eval (NoAction next) = pure next
    eval (FormSubmit next) = do
    eval (UpdateEmail email next) = do
    eval (UpdatePassword password next) = do

runRegistrationForm :: Eff (AppEffects ()) Unit
runRegistrationForm = runAff throwException (const (pure unit)) $ do
    { node: node, driver: driver } <- runUI ui initialState
    appendTo ".registration" node


我想知道如何组织我的源代码,构建我的源代码,并从 Javascript 调用我的 Purescript 代码


$ cd my-application/
$ tree
├── bower.json
├── README.md
├── site/
│   └── index.html
├── src/
│   ├── LoginForm.purs
│   └── RegistrationForm.purs
└── test/
    └── Test.purs


$ pulp build --to site/app.js
$ pulp browserify --to site/app.js
$ pulp server

能够将我的纯脚本代码构建到逻辑 javascript 文件中会很好。例如,src/LoginForm.purs可以构建为site/loginForm.js,并且src/RegistrationForm.purs可以构建为site/registrationForm.js

然后,我可以根据需要在我的实际 html 页面中包含loginForm.js和。registrationForm.js


2 回答 2



pulp build --main LoginForm -O --to site/loginForm.js
pulp build --main RegistrationForm -O --to site/registrationForm.js


于 2015-11-26T02:46:23.680 回答

Pulp 并没有真正涵盖这个用例,它只适用于只有一个Main.

我建议使用gulp设置来实现这一点,使用类似这样的 gulpfile:

"use strict";

var gulp = require("gulp"),
    purescript = require("gulp-purescript"),
    webpack = require("webpack-stream");

var sources = [

var foreigns = [

gulp.task("make", function() {
  return purescript.psc({
    src: sources,
    ffi: foreigns

var mkBundleTask = function (name, main) {

  gulp.task("prebundle-" + name, ["make"], function() {
    return purescript.pscBundle({
      src: "output/**/*.js",
      output: "tmp/js/" + name + ".js",
      module: main,
      main: main

  gulp.task("bundle-" + name, ["prebundle-" + name], function () {
    return gulp.src("tmp/js/" + name + ".js")
        resolve: { modulesDirectories: ["node_modules"] },
        output: { filename: name + ".js" }

  return "bundle-" + name;

gulp.task("bundle", [
  mkBundleTask("loginForm", "LoginForm"),
  mkBundleTask("registrationForm", "RegistrationForm")

gulp.task("default", ["bundle"]);

这可能不太正确,但我从我们如何使用 SlamData 中提取它,所以它绝对是正确的。

于 2015-11-04T11:48:53.233 回答