我将进行大规模推广,从我的公司使用 Adob​​e Reader DC 转换为使用 Foxit 阅读器。这主要是因为 Reader DC 拒绝在本机程序中打开 PDF 文档,而不是通过 IE 扩展程序打开它们,即使扩展程序被完全禁用也是如此。不幸的是,福昕默认启用了在浏览器选项卡中打开 PDF 的设置。我在注册表中找到了 Foxit 设置树,但该特定设置不在其中。我也无法在 HKCR 的任何地方找到设置。我想知道是否有办法以编程方式关闭此设置,或者是否有一个注册表项可以控制我没有看到的此设置。我需要在同一个晚上在大约 140 台机器上安装它(感谢上帝的远程管理!)所以我花在每台机器上的时间越少越好。

详细信息:由于我们在域上使用 Web 服务,使用 IE11 作为主要浏览器,所以我需要将设置应用于每台机器的所有帐户



2 回答 2


我做了一些研究,发现下面,查看 VIEW_IN_BROWSER 选项,你需要做一些测试才能得到它,但它应该能让你到达那里。

Command-line for installation is:
msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter] [PROPERTY=PropertyValue]
For detailed information on msiexec.exe options, required parameters, and optional 
parameters, type msiexec on the command line or visit Microsoft TechNet help center.

Public Properties of the Foxit Reader MSI installation package.

Foxit Reader installation properties supplement the standard MSI public properties
to give administrators greater control over the installation of the application.

For the complete list of standard public properties please refer to: [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/aa370905(VS.85).aspx[/url]

The Foxit Reader properties are:
ADDLOCAL    <list of features>  The value of the ADDLOCAL property is a comma delimited list of features which the installation of Foxit Reader will make available locally. Foxit Reader installer defines the following features:
FX_PDFVIEWER - Foxit PDF Viewer and its components;
FX_FIREFOXPLUGIN - Plugin which is used for opening PDF files in Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Chrome browsers. This feature requires FX_PDFVIEWER feature to be installed.
FX_SE - Plugins for Windows Explorer and Windows shell. These extensions allow viewing PDF thumbnails into Windows Explorer, handling preview of PDF files into Windows Vista and Office 2007. This feature requires FX_PDFVIEWER feature to be installed.
INSTALLLOCATION Specifies the folder where products will be installed.

MAKEDEFAULT Default value of "1", Foxit Reader will be set as default application for PDF files.
VIEW_IN_BROWSER Default value of "1", Foxit Reader will be configured to open PDF files inside browsers.
DESKTOP_SHORTCUT    Default value of "1", installer will place shortcut for installed application on Desktop.
STARTMENU_SHORTCUT  Default value of "1", installer will create program menu group for installed application and their components.
LAUNCHCHECKDEFAULT  Default value of "1", Foxit Reader will check if the Reader is the default reader when launching.
SAFEMODE    Default value of "1", Foxit Reader will run in the Safe Reading Mode.


于 2015-11-04T07:24:17.213 回答


HKCU/SOFTWARE/Foxit Software/Foxit Reader 7.0/Preferences/IeAssociation/bShowInbrowser 

从 1 到 0 的键。

于 2015-11-04T19:11:25.927 回答