Is there any way to get metadata about who (authid) published a given message or called an RPC? After I have users authenticate and authorize them for a given role (e.g. allowing them to publish to mychat) how can I prevent clients from spoofing each other's names? Subscribers/callees are just passed the arguments that the pub/caller passed; I don't see how to get session data.

A workaround might be to use dynamic authorization, where each client is only authorized to publish to mychat.<userid>, but that seems icky. Can I just get the session dictionary for normal subs/calls like the dynamic authorization call gets?


1 回答 1


这是通过发布者披露调用者披露来完成的。这目前只向您发送一个 sessionID,您需要通过会话元调用获取有关会话的其他数据。sessionID 由路由器发送,因此不能被客户端欺骗。

于 2015-11-04T13:15:20.943 回答