我有一个由http://goo.gl/完成的缩短网址, 我需要获取原始网址。在 ANDROID 中是否有任何 api 可以做到这一点。
我试图做的更短 -
GoogleShortenerPerformer shortener = new GoogleShortenerPerformer(new OkHttpClient());
String longUrl = "http://www.andreabaccega.com/";
GooglShortenerResult result = shortener.shortenUrl(
new GooglShortenerRequestBuilder()
if ( Status.SUCCESS.equals(result.getStatus()) ) {
// all ok result.getShortenedUrl() contains the shortened url!
} else if ( Status.IO_EXCEPTION.equals(result.getStatus()) ) {
// connectivity error. result.getException() returns the thrown exception while performing
// the request to google servers!
} else {
// this happens if google replies with an unexpected response or if there are some other issues processing
// the result.
// result.getException() contains a GooglShortenerException containing a message that can help resolve the issue!