我已经使用 java 5 和 tomcat 5.0 在 myecplise 上成功构建和部署了一个 jax-ws webservice,但是当我尝试创建一个 webservice 客户端时,我在验证屏幕上收到了一个验证错误
WS-I: A problem occurred while running the WS-I WSDL conformance check: org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.analyzer.WSIAnalyzerException. The WS-I Test Assertion Document(TAD) was not found or could not be processed. The WSDLAnalyzer was not able to validate the given WSDL file.
即使我忽略了 myecplise 不允许我创建客户端的情况。
忽略屏幕 #01
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
'impl:Arrayof_tns1_MatchingDoc' to a(n) 'type definition' component
忽略屏幕 #02
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
'soapenc:Array' to a(n) 'type definition component
忽略 2 个屏幕后,它给了我一个错误
undefined simple or complex type 'soapenc:Array'