
我正在尝试使用 C++ 编写元胞自动机,但是由于某种原因,当程序运行时,我的规则似乎应用不正确,或者根本没有应用。任何意见,将不胜感激。


/* Simulate Array */
int beginSimulation(char parentArray[],char childArray[],int width, int ruleSet[]){

  //get the amount of generations the program produces
    int generationNum;
    cout << "Please enter how many generations you would like to simulate" << endl;
    cin >> generationNum;

  for(int times=0; times< generationNum; times++){  

    //loop for applying ruleset to each cell in array

    for(int i=0; i< width; i ++){

        char left = parentArray[i-1];
        char middle = parentArray[i];
        char right = parentArray[i+1];

    // if statement that compares the current cells and its neighbours 
    // with the rules in the ruleset to define the current generation.

        if(left == 'X' && middle == 'X' && right == 'X'){

          if(ruleSet[7] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[7];

         else if(left == 'X' && middle == 'X' && middle == '~'){

           if(ruleSet[6] == 1){                 //do this for each rule should work
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[6];

         else if (left == 'X' && middle == '~' && middle == 'X'){

          if(ruleSet[5] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[5];

         else if (left == 'X' && middle == '~' && middle == '~'){

          if(ruleSet[4] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[4];

         else if (left == '~' && middle == 'X' && middle == 'X'){

          if(ruleSet[3] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[3];

         else if (left == '~' && middle == 'X' && middle == '~'){

          if(ruleSet[2] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[2];

         else if (left == '~' && middle == '~' && middle == 'x'){

          if(ruleSet[1] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[1];

         else if (left == '~' && middle == '~' && middle == '~'){
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[0];
          if(ruleSet[0] == 1){
            childArray[i] = 'X';
          } else {
            childArray[i] = '~';
          childArray[i] = ruleSet[0];


      //for loop that iterates through the array and display all its elements
      for(int i = 0; i < width; i++)

      cout << childArray[i];

      cout<< endl;

      // loop to make the current generation the past generation for the next 
      //iteration of the code

      for(int c=0; c< width; c ++){
        parentArray[c] = childArray[c];


使用 beginSimulation 的函数:

/* Initialize Array */
int initializeArrays(char parentArray[],char childArray[],int width, int ruleSet[]){
  //cout << "Please enter the size of the array" << endl;
  //cin >> width;

  cout << "Please enter the rule you would like to simulate" << endl;
  int userInput = 0; //initialises userInput variable to be passed
  cin >> userInput;     //into the insertItem function    

    for(int x=0; x<width; x++){

        parentArray[(width/2)] = 'X';
        cout << "";
        parentArray[x] = '~'; /* or whatever number you want */

    /* parentArray[0..width-1] = "~~...~~X~...~~"
     *                                   ^
     *                                   \- at width/2

    cout << parentArray << endl;

    for(int i=0; i<width; i++){
      childArray[i] = '~'; /* or whatever number you want */
      cout << "";
    /* childArray[0...width - 1] = "~~...~~" */

    cout << childArray << endl;

    /* User input is bit mask to activate rules 0..7
     * e.g. input = 10 = 0x0A = 0b1010 => rule 1 and 3 activated */
    for (int z=7; z>(-1); z --){

      ruleSet[z] = userInput % 2;
      userInput = userInput/2;

     cout << ruleSet[0] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[1] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[2] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[3] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[4] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[5] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[6] << endl;
     cout << ruleSet[7] << endl;

    beginSimulation(parentArray, childArray, width, ruleSet);

    return 0;


2 回答 2



游戏字段为 array[width],初始化为“~”(空?),在width / 2. ruleSet 中的规则将作用于这个数组,在一个模拟步骤后产生下一代。

首先,您显然没有为该站点运行此代码并对其进行编辑,请参见第 13 行:

    for(int i=0; i< width; i ++){

        char left = parentArray[i-1]; // <-- What will happen for i == 0?
        char middle = parentArray[i];
        char right = parentArray[i+1];

你可能有一些特殊情况需要处理i == 0,可能

if (i == 0)
  left = '~';


其次,您在第 84 行错误地输入了第 1 条规则:

else if (left == '~' && middle == '~' && middle == 'x'){ // <-- small Latin x

我不确定会发生什么,因为除了规则 #0 之外的所有规则都是相同的代码,并且所有规则都做同样的事情。因此,您不应该在原始帖子中包含这么多代码。


childArray[i] = ruleSet[0]; // this line in ruleSet[0] only
if(ruleSet[0] == 1){
  childArray[i] = 'X';
} else {
  childArray[i] = '~';
childArray[i] = ruleSet[0]; // overwrite childArray[i]

您的数组是 'X' 和 '~' 的序列 - 但是您存储整数 0 和 1,完成后它们将分别是字符 '\x00' 和 '\x01'。也许那只是为了调试,但你把它留在里面了?或者也许这就是你所追求的错误?

由于所有 if 子句仅匹配 '~' 和 'X'(和 'x')的组合,因此您的模拟将在第一步之后停止,并且在打开任何规则时始终产生相同的结果。


typedef struct rule {
    char search[3];
    char replace[3];

    rule(char* searchPattern, char* replacePattern) {

        memcpy(&search, searchPattern, sizeof(search));
        memcpy(&replace, replacePattern, sizeof(replace));

} rule_t;


typedef struct field {
    size_t width;
    char* data;

    field(size_t field_width) {

        width = field_width;
        data = new char[width + 1];
        memset(data, '~', width);
        data[width] = '\0';
        /* catch out of memory exception here */

    ~field() {

        width = 0;
        delete[] data;


    field& operator=(const field& rhs) {
        /* prevent self-assignment */
        if (this == &rhs)
            return *this;
        this->width = rhs.width;
        delete[] data;
        this->data = new char[width + 1];
        /* catch out of memory exception here */
        memcpy(this->data, rhs.data, width + 1);
        return *this;


} field_t;


for (int generation = 0; generation < numGenerations; generation++) {

    myFieldAfter = myFieldBefore; /* deep copy of field */

    /* sliding window pointers */
    char *windowBefore = myFieldBefore.data;
    char *windowAfter = myFieldAfter.data;
    /* we have to stop sizeof(rule_t.search) - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2 bytes before end */
    for (size_t x = 0; x < myFieldBefore.width - 2; x++) {

        /* apply rules hierarchically */
        for (auto it = activeRules.begin(); it != activeRules.end(); it++) {

            if (!(memcmp(it->search, windowBefore, sizeof(it->search)))) {
                memcpy(windowAfter, it->replace, sizeof(it->replace));
                break; /* only apply first matching rule */


        /* move windows */


    std::cout << "Generation " << generation << ": " << myFieldBefore.data << "\n";
    myFieldBefore = myFieldAfter; /* deep copy back */


我建议您从命令行解析参数,例如调用可能看起来像myCellAutomaton 32 5 "1,3"获取宽度为 32 的字段,模拟 5 代并使用规则 #1 和 #3。看看 Boost.Program_options。最终程序的粗略草图如下所示:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

/* definitions from above */

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    int numGenerations;
    int width;
    std::vector<rule_t> activeRules;

    /* parse command line arguments */
    numGenerations = 5;
    width = 32;

    /* example rule */
    rule_t myRule("X~~", "XX~");
    /* vector of active rules */

    field_t myFieldBefore(width);
    myFieldBefore.data[width / 2] = 'X';
    field_t myFieldAfter(width);

    /* algorithm here */



Generation 0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Generation 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Generation 2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXX~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Generation 3: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~
Generation 4: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~

我希望这个答案能让您大致了解该怎么做。我使用简单的结构和标准调用来保持简单,尽管这使得整个程序是 C-ish 而不是纯 C++。

于 2015-11-02T22:01:33.117 回答


char left = parentArray[i-1];
char middle = parentArray[i];
char right = parentArray[i+1];

因为i0width-1。因此 when iis 0,i-1将被索引-1到您的数组中并在数组开始之前向后访问。当等于时,索引i+1同样将向前访问数组的末尾。iwidth-1


if(ruleSet[7] == 1){
    childArray[i] = 'X';
} else {
    childArray[i] = '~';
childArray[i] = ruleSet[7];

ruleSet[7]是否包含 a无关紧要,1因为您会立即childAray[i]ruleSet[7]. 您为所有其他规则处理执行此操作。所以是的,你的规则根本不会影响结果。

于 2015-11-02T21:34:36.343 回答