In my NodeJS app, when I am using ReSharper 9.2 (Ultimate 2015.2) in VS 2015 Enterprise, I have trouble with missing intellisense options. I have two files: Javascript.js and Javascript1.js.

Javascript.js is as follows:

(function (cars) {
    cars.allCars = ["Saab","Volvo","BMW"];

In Javascript1.js, when ReSharper is suspended, I get some helpful suggestions like "forEach": enter image description here

But when I'm using ReSharper, it looks like this: enter image description here

Even though when I hover over the "allCars" property of "cars" I am shown that it's an array, I don't get the expected "forEach" suggestion, or any of the other methods expected for an array.

I've verified I have all ReSharper updates. I've tried tweaking ReSharper settings and reviewing other question here in SO. Nothing I've found helps.


1 回答 1


ReSharper 还不支持 NodeJS 模块解析(这就是为什么目前在这种情况下您有动态完成)。它计划用于下一个版本。欢迎您投票并观看相应的问题:https ://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-273158 。

同时,你也可以试试同样来自 JetBrains 的 WebStorm IDE,它已经内置了 NodeJS 支持。

于 2015-11-11T12:44:47.270 回答