public boolean envelops(Shape s) { 
    boolean flag = true;
  double distance = 0.0;
  if(s instanceof Square){ //check if the shape is a Square
     Point bottomLeft= new Point(((Square)s).getTopLeft().getX(),((Square)s).getTopLeft().getY()-((Square)s).getSideLength()); //calculating the cordinates of the square 
     Point bottomRight= new Point(((Square)s).getTopLeft().getX()+((Square)s).getSideLength(),((Square)s).getTopLeft().getY()-((Square)s).getSideLength());   
     Point topRight= new Point(((Square)s).getTopLeft().getX()+  ((Square)s).getSideLength(),((Square)s).getTopLeft().getY());

     ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); //storing points in a ArrayList of points
        for(int i=0; i<points.size(); i++)
              distance= this.center.distance(points.get(i));  //finding ditance of each cordinate from the center of the circle
              if(distance-this.radius>Shape.TOLERANCE) flag= false;      //if the distance is greater than the radius then flag becomes false, ie., the cordinate is outside the circle                                          


  if(s instanceof Circle){
     distance=this.center.distance(((Circle)s).getCenter());  //finding distance between the centers of the 2 circles
     distance= distance +((Circle)s).getRadius();
     if(distance- this.getRadius()> Shape.TOLERANCE || distance==this.getRadius()){ //The method will return false if both circles have 0 radius
        flag=false;                                           //make flag false if the distance is more than the radius of the object Circle

  return flag;

嗨,我有一个代码来检查一个形状(圆形或方形)是否包围了另一个。我用过这段代码。如果this对象包围了传递的形状,则返回 true。谁能建议我改进或更好的替代方法。提前致谢 :)


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