public void SearchWord(char[,] input, string name)
//1. loop through the array and look for the first letter of the string
//2. if found search in all directions "iterative"
//3. if one direction doesn't find it break out of the method and continue to search in other directions
//4. if found mark the positions so you don't find the same word more than once
char firstLetter = name[0];
//go look for it in the 2d array
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
if (results[x, y] == firstLetter)//found the letter
Console.WriteLine("Found it " + " " + firstLetter);
Console.WriteLine(x + " " + y);
SearchRightDirection(x, y);
SearchLeftDirection(x, y);
我尝试将位置作为参数传递,例如 SearchRightDirection(char[,], int x, int y){} 但是我无法从这个确切的位置行和列继续数组。