Perl 中一个长期存在的问题是如何以比行号更精细的粒度来识别位置。(点击链接获取更多信息。)这个问题是关于如何获得的。

最有希望的方法是使用正在考虑的 Perl 操作码地址并解析围绕它的语句。在 a 子例程的级别,B::Deparse将根据代码引用重新创建 Perl。所以理想的是修改B::Deparse以允许您提供提供的操作以开始解析。如果做不到这一点,它可以改为解析封闭的子例程,显示遇到的每个语句的操作码地址。有关此示例,请参见下面的代码。

B::Concise可以显示子程序的操作码反汇编。在其反汇编输出中,它给出了地址,并且它给出的地址与返回的地址相匹配,例如,由Devel::Callsite 返回

问题是,在按如下方式检测 B::Deparse 之后,它给出的 OP 地址与B::ConciseDevel::Callsite给出的地址不匹配。下面给出的输出显示了这一点。


具体而言,下面是一些显示不匹配的代码。请注意,反汇编中没有显示 deparse 给出的地址。

use B::Deparse;
use B::Concise qw(set_style);
sub foo() {
    my $x=1; $x+=1;

my $deparse = B::Deparse->new("-p", "-l", "-sC");

$body = $deparse->coderef2text(\&foo);
print($body, "\n");
my $walker = B::Concise::compile('-basic', 'foo', \&foo);
B::Concise::walk_output(\my $buf);
$walker->();            # walks and renders into $buf;

package B::Deparse;

# Modified to show OP addresses
sub lineseq {
    my($self, $root, $cx, @ops) = @_;
    my($expr, @exprs);

    my $out_cop = $self->{'curcop'};
    my $out_seq = defined($out_cop) ? $out_cop->cop_seq : undef;
    my $limit_seq;
    if (defined $root) {
    $limit_seq = $out_seq;
    my $nseq;
    $nseq = $self->find_scope_st($root->sibling) if ${$root->sibling};
    $limit_seq = $nseq if !defined($limit_seq)
               or defined($nseq) && $nseq < $limit_seq;
    $limit_seq = $self->{'limit_seq'}
    if defined($self->{'limit_seq'})
    && (!defined($limit_seq) || $self->{'limit_seq'} < $limit_seq);
    local $self->{'limit_seq'} = $limit_seq;

    my $fn = sub {
        my ($text, $i) = @_;
        my $op = $ops[$i];
        push @exprs, sprintf("# op: 0x%x\n%s ", $op, $text);
    $self->walk_lineseq($root, \@ops, $fn);
    # $self->walk_lineseq($root, \@ops,
    #              sub { push @exprs, $_[0]} );

    my $sep = $cx ? '; ' : ";\n";
    my $body = join($sep, grep {length} @exprs);
    my $subs = "";
    if (defined $root && defined $limit_seq && !$self->{'in_format'}) {
    $subs = join "\n", $self->seq_subs($limit_seq);
    return join($sep, grep {length} $body, $subs);


() {
    # op: 0x14a4b30
#line 4 "deparse-so.pl"
    (my $x = 1) ;
    # op: 0x14a4aa0
#line 4 "deparse-so.pl"
    ($x += 1) ;
UNOP (0xeb9978)
    op_next     0
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_LEAVESUB]
    op_type     175
    op_flags    4
    op_private  65  
    op_first    0xeab7a0
LISTOP (0xeab7a0)
    op_next     0xeb9978
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_LINESEQ]
    op_type     181
    op_flags    12
    op_private  0   
    op_first    0xeab7e8
    op_last     0xeb9a20
COP (0xeab7e8)
    op_next     0xeab890
    op_sibling  0xeab848
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_NEXTSTATE]
    op_type     182
    op_flags    1
    op_private  0   0
BINOP (0xeab848)
    op_next     0xeb99c0
    op_sibling  0xeb99c0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_SASSIGN]
    op_type     37
    op_flags    69
    op_private  2   
    op_first    0xeab890
    op_last     0xeab8d0
SVOP (0xeab890)
    op_next     0xeab8d0
    op_sibling  0xeab8d0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_CONST]
    op_type     5
    op_flags    2
    op_private  0   
    op_sv       0xea3c40
OP (0xeab8d0)
    op_next     0xeab848
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV]
    op_type     9
    op_flags    178
    op_private  128 
COP (0xeb99c0)
    op_next     0xeab768
    op_sibling  0xeb9a20
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_NEXTSTATE]
    op_type     182
    op_flags    1
    op_private  0   0
BINOP (0xeb9a20)
    op_next     0xeb9978
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_ADD]
    op_type     63
    op_flags    70
    op_private  2   
    op_first    0xeab768
    op_last     0xeb9a68
OP (0xeab768)
    op_next     0xeb9a68
    op_sibling  0xeb9a68
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV]
    op_type     9
    op_flags    50
    op_private  0   
SVOP (0xeb9a68)
    op_next     0xeb9a20
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_CONST]
    op_type     5
    op_flags    2
    op_private  0   
    op_sv       0xea3c10
UNOP (0xeb9978)
    op_next     0
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_LEAVESUB]
    op_type     175
    op_flags    4
    op_private  65  
    op_first    0xeab7a0
LISTOP (0xeab7a0)
    op_next     0xeb9978
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_LINESEQ]
    op_type     181
    op_flags    12
    op_private  0   
    op_first    0xeab7e8
    op_last     0xeb9a20
COP (0xeab7e8)
    op_next     0xeab890
    op_sibling  0xeab848
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_NEXTSTATE]
    op_type     182
    op_flags    1
    op_private  0   0
BINOP (0xeab848)
    op_next     0xeb99c0
    op_sibling  0xeb99c0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_SASSIGN]
    op_type     37
    op_flags    69
    op_private  2   
    op_first    0xeab890
    op_last     0xeab8d0
SVOP (0xeab890)
    op_next     0xeab8d0
    op_sibling  0xeab8d0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_CONST]
    op_type     5
    op_flags    2
    op_private  0   
    op_sv       0xea3c40
OP (0xeab8d0)
    op_next     0xeab848
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV]
    op_type     9
    op_flags    178
    op_private  128 
COP (0xeb99c0)
    op_next     0xeab768
    op_sibling  0xeb9a20
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_NEXTSTATE]
    op_type     182
    op_flags    1
    op_private  0   0
BINOP (0xeb9a20)
    op_next     0xeb9978
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_ADD]
    op_type     63
    op_flags    70
    op_private  2   
    op_first    0xeab768
    op_last     0xeb9a68
OP (0xeab768)
    op_next     0xeb9a68
    op_sibling  0xeb9a68
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV]
    op_type     9
    op_flags    50
    op_private  0   
SVOP (0xeb9a68)
    op_next     0xeb9a20
    op_sibling  0
    op_ppaddr   PL_ppaddr[OP_CONST]
    op_type     5
    op_flags    2
    op_private  0   
    op_sv       0xea3c10

最后,作为鼓励人们在这里提供帮助的一种方式,如果解决了这个问题,则该解决方案可能会出现在 Perl 调试器Devel::Trepan中,并允许您在调试器内停止时可靠地知道您在哪里。



2 回答 2



您正在打印该对象的地址(一个标量进入 class B::CV)。

use B qw( );

sub foo { }

my $cv = B::svref_2object(\&foo);

printf "%x\n", \&foo;                 # Numification of 1st ref to &foo.
printf "%x\n", \&foo;                 # Numification of 2nd ref to &foo.
printf "%x\n", $cv;                   # Numification of ref to B::CV object.
printf "%x\n", $cv->object_2svref();  # Numification of 3rd ref to &foo.
printf "%x\n", $$cv;  # Address of struct referenced by svref_2object's arg (Undocumented)

引用 numify 到它们引用的地址,所以我们得到:

于 2015-10-28T18:58:05.530 回答

ikegami's answer suggestion buried in the comments lead me to find the conceptual flaw I made in my first-proposed solution: inside B::Deparse a lexical array variable stores OPs and those are implicit pointers to the actual code OP structures. Using the undocumented $$ to get the underlying address that the scalar implicitly points to gives the correct address. So in my monkey-patched code of B::Deparse::lineseq, changing:

push @exprs, sprintf("# op: 0x%x\n%s ", $op, $text);


push @exprs, sprintf("# op: 0x%x\n%s ", $$op, $text);

gives me an address that I can use to match up results.

Still, there's a bit of work still to get this usable, so if there are any other ways or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Devel::Trepan 0.70 版现在在其deparse命令中使用了上述代码的适当修改,以便能够显示多个语句中的哪一个将要运行。

于 2015-10-29T00:03:30.793 回答