如果 ToUpper() 不存在,你将如何编写它?i18n 和 L10n 的奖励积分
好奇心由此引发:http ://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Long-Way-toUpper.aspx
如果 ToUpper() 不存在,你将如何编写它?i18n 和 L10n 的奖励积分
好奇心由此引发:http ://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Long-Way-toUpper.aspx
public static String upper(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
final int N = s.length(); // Mind the optimization!
PreparedStatement stmtName = null;
PreparedStatement stmtSmall = null;
ResultSet rsName = null;
ResultSet rsSmall = null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (N); // Much faster than StringBuffer!
try {
conn = DBFactory.getConnection();
stmtName = conn.prepareStatement("select name from unicode.chart where codepoint = ?");
// TODO Optimization: Maybe move this in the if() so we don't create this
// unless there are uppercase characters in the string.
stmtSmall = conn.prepareStatement("select codepoint from unicode.chart where name = ?");
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
int c = s.charAt(i);
stmtName.setInt(1, c);
rsName = stmtName.execute();
if (rsName.next()) {
String name = rsName.getString(1);
if (name.contains(" SMALL ")) {
name = name.replaceAll(" SMALL ", " CAPITAL ");
stmtSmall.setString(1, name);
rsSmall = stmtSmall.execute();
if (rsSmall.next()) {
c = rsSmall.getInt(1);
rsSmall = DBUtil.close(rsSmall);
rsName = DBUtil.close(rsName);
finally {
// Always clean up
rsSmall = DBUtil.close(rsSmall);
rsName = DBUtil.close(rsName);
stmtSmall = DBUtil.close(stmtSmall);
stmtName = DBUtil.close(stmtName);
// TODO Optimization: Maybe read the table once into RAM at the start
// Would waste a lot of memory, though :/
return buffer.toString();
注意:您可以在unicode.org上找到的 unicode 图表包含字符/代码点的名称。该字符串将包含“SMALL”代表大写字符(注意空格,否则它可能匹配“SMALLER”等)。现在,您可以搜索类似的名称,将“SMALL”替换为“CAPITAL”。如果你找到它,你就找到了大写版本。
我不认为 SO 可以在单个帖子中处理 unicode 表的大小:)
不幸的是,它不像 char.ToUpper() 每个字符那么容易。
(string-upcase "Straße") ⇒ "STRASSE"
(string-downcase "Straße") ⇒ "straße"
(string-upcase "ΧΑΟΣ") ⇒ "ΧΑΟΣ"
(string-downcase "ΧΑΟΣ") ⇒ "χαος"
(string-downcase "ΧΑΟΣΣ") ⇒ "χαοσς"
(string-downcase "ΧΑΟΣ Σ") ⇒ "χαος σ"
(string-upcase "χαος") ⇒ "ΧΑΟΣ"
(string-upcase "χαοσ") ⇒ "ΧΑΟΣ"
(U+0130) 而在任何其他语言中需要转到I
(U+0049) 。和i
U+0069 是同一个字符。
我不会赢得奖励积分,但这里是 7 位 ASCII:
char toupper(char c)
if ((c < 'a') || (c > 'z')) { return c; }
else { return c & 0xdf; }
touppe_map = { massive dictionary to handle all cases in all languages }
def to_upper( c ):
return toupper_map.get( c, c )
def to_upper( c ):
for k,v in toupper_map.items():
if k == c: return v
return c