请参阅此http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/febde/8 示例
t1:票 t2:相关记录 t3:child1 t4:child1
select ticket.ticketid, rr.relatedrecordkey, rr.relatedrecordclass, c1.id, c1.status, c2.id, c2.status
from ticket
inner join relatedrecord rr on rr.recordkey = ticket.ticketid and rr.class = ticket.class
left join child1 c1 on c1.id = rr.relatedreckey and c1.class = rr.relatedrecclass
left join child2 c2 on c2.id = rr.relatedreckey and c2.class = rr.relatedrecclass
| ticketid | status | RECORDKEY | class | RELATEDRECCLASS | relatedreckey | id | status | id | status |
| 1183 | NEW | 1183 | SR | WORKORDER | 1238 | 1238 | NEW | (null) | (null) |
| 1183 | NEW | 1183 | SR | SR | 1184 | (null) | (null) | 1184 | NEW |
| 1185 | NEW | 1185 | SR | WORKORDER | 1239 | 1239 | CLOSE | (null) | (null) |
| 1185 | NEW | 1185 | SR | SR | 1186 | (null) | (null) | 1186 | CLOSE |
| 1187 | NEW | 1187 | SR | WORKORDER | 1240 | 1240 | CLOSE | (null) | (null) |
| 1187 | NEW | 1187 | SR | SR | 1188 | (null) | (null) | 1188 | NEW |
| 1190 | NEW | 1190 | SR | SR | 1191 | (null) | (null) | 1191 | CLOSE |
| 1192 | NEW | 1192 | SR | WORKORDER | 1241 | 1241 | CLOSE | (null) | (null) |
- 工单 1183 有两条相关记录,均尚未关闭。(拒绝)
- 工单 1185 有两条相关记录,均已关闭(接受)
- 工单1187有两条相关记录,一条是新的,一条是关闭的。(拒绝)
- 工单 1190 有一个相关记录已关闭(接受)
- 工单 1192 有一个相关记录(不同的表)已关闭(接受)
- 工单1189无相关记录(拒绝)
从这个集合中,我只想在结果集中看到票 1185、1190、1192。它应该看起来像:
| ticketid | status | RECORDKEY | class | RELATEDRECCLASS | relatedreckey | id | status | id | status |
| 1185 | NEW | 1185 | SR | WORKORDER | 1239 | 1239 | CLOSE | (null) | (null) |
| 1185 | NEW | 1185 | SR | SR | 1186 | (null) | (null) | 1186 | CLOSE |
| 1190 | NEW | 1190 | SR | SR | 1191 | (null) | (null) | 1191 | CLOSE |
| 1192 | NEW | 1192 | SR | WORKORDER | 1241 | 1241 | CLOSE | (null) | (null) |
select ticket.ticketid, rr.relatedrecordkey, rr.relatedrecordclass, c1.id, c1.status, c2.id, c2.status
from ticket
inner join relatedrecord rr on rr.recordkey = ticket.ticketid and rr.class = ticket.class
where not exists (
select 1 from child1 c1
where c1.id = rr.relatedreckey and c1.class = rr.relatedrecclass
and c1.status <> 'CLOSE'
) and not exists (
select 1 from child2 c2
where c2.id = rr.relatedreckey and c2.class = rr.relatedrecclass
and c2.status <> 'CLOSE'
这导致ticket2 的两行和ticket 3 的一行(因为它有一个孩子关闭)我有点困惑如何正确解决这个问题。