我试图扩展一个 mcedit 过滤器,最初由 CrushedPixel 编写,由 NanoRex 编辑。他们制作的那个版本不支持 1.9 快照/块,所以我决定制作一个更好的、无延迟的版本!
# MCEdit Filter by CrushedPixel
# http://youtube.com/CrushedPixel
# Heavily Modified by NanoRex
# Major bug (and some minor ones) fixed by NanoRex
# http://youtube.com/thecaptainrex7567
from pymclevel import TAG_List
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
from pymclevel import TAG_Int
from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
from pymclevel import TAG_Short
from pymclevel import TAG_Double
from pymclevel import TAG_String
import math
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
import mcplatform
displayName = "JetDirectionsMod"
CmdBlockTypes = {
"Normal" : 137,
"Chain" : 211,
"Repeating" : 210,
CmdDataTypes = {
"Facing DOWN": 0,
"Facing UP": 1,
"Facing NORTH": 2,
"Facing SOUTH": 3,
"Facing WEST": 4,
"Facing EAST": 5,
DataKeys = ()
for key in CmdBlockTypes.keys():
DataKeys = DataKeys + (key,)
DataTypeKeys = ()
for key in CmdDataTypes.keys():
DataTypeKeys = DataTypeKeys + (key,)
inputs = (
("Placeholders: $rot | $mot | $dir","label"),
("Accuracy (Degrees)", (5,1,20)),
("Motion Factor", (0.1,9.0)),
("Set Position to In Front of Player:","label"),
("Placeholder: $pos","label"),
("Set Position", False),
("Distance From Player", (1,5)),
("Relative Y Position", (0,-1000,1000)),
("Command Block Type:", DataKeys),
("Commandblock Rotation:", DataTypeKeys),
def perform(level, box, options):
fac = options["Accuracy (Degrees)"]
speed = options["Motion Factor"]
adjustPos = options["Set Position"]
adjustAmount = options["Distance From Player"]
ypos = options["Relative Y Position"]
C = CmdBlockTypes[options["Command Block Type:"]]
D = CmdDataTypes[options["Commandblock Rotation:"]]
C = C, ' ', D
found = False
for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
if not found:
for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
if not found:
for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
te = level.tileEntityAt(x,y,z)
if te != None:
text = te["Command"].value
found = True
commands = []
if not found:
raise Exception("Please select a command block in order to run this filter.")
for y in range(-90/fac,90/fac):
rxm = y*fac
rx = ((y+1)*fac)-1
if rx == 89 :
rx += 1
for x in range(-180/fac,180/fac):
rym = x*fac
ry = ((x+1)*fac)-1
if ry == 179 :
ry +=1
xdeg = math.radians(((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2))
ydeg = math.radians(((y+1)*fac)-(fac/2))
xmov = -speed*(math.sin(xdeg)*math.cos(ydeg))
ymov = -speed*math.sin(ydeg) + 0.1
zmov = speed*(math.cos(xdeg)*math.cos(ydeg))
cmd = text.replace("$rot", "rxm="+str(rxm)+",rx="+str(rx)+",rym="+str(rym)+",ry="+str(ry))
cmd = cmd.replace("$mot", "Motion:["+str(xmov)+","+str(ymov)+","+str(zmov)+"]")
cmd = cmd.replace("$dir", "direction:["+str(xmov)+","+str(ymov)+","+str(zmov)+"]")
if adjustPos == True :
if -67.5 < ((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2) < 67.5 :
zadj = adjustAmount
elif -180 <= ((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2) < -112.5 or 180 >= ((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2) > 112.5 :
zadj = -adjustAmount
zadj = 0
if 22.5 < ((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2) < 157.5 :
xadj = -adjustAmount
elif -22.5 > ((x+1)*fac)-(fac/2) > -157.5 :
xadj = adjustAmount
xadj = 0
cmd = cmd.replace("$pos", "~"+str(xadj)+" ~"+str(ypos)+" "+"~"+str(zadj))
number = len(commands)
size = math.sqrt(number/2)
rs = math.ceil(size)
if rs ** 2 > 4096 :
raise Exception("Too many command blocks for the /fill command. Increase \"Accuracy (Degrees)\" to solve this.")
schematic = MCSchematic((rs+2,4,rs+2), mats = level.materials)
i = 0
xc = 1
zc = -1
schematic.TileEntities.append(cmdBlockTe(1,3,0,"/fill ~ ~-2 ~1 ~"+str(int(rs))+" ~-2 ~"+str(int(rs+1))+" minecraft:redstone_block"))
schematic.TileEntities.append(cmdBlockTe(0,3,1,"/fill ~1 ~-2 ~ ~"+str(int(rs+1))+" ~-2 ~"+str(int(rs))+" minecraft:stone"))
for x in range(1, int(rs+2)):
xc += 1
for z in range(1, int(rs+2)):
zc += 1
y = 2
if i < number:
cmd = commands[i]
schematic.setBlockAt(x, y, z, C, D)
control = cmdBlockTe(x, y, z, cmd)
i += 1
y = 0
if i < number:
cmd = commands[i]
schematic.setBlockAt(x, y, z, C)
control = cmdBlockTe(x, y, z, cmd)
i += 1
zc = -1
schematic_file = mcplatform.askSaveFile(mcplatform.lastSchematicsDir or mcplatform.schematicsDir, "Save Schematic As...", "", "Schematic\0*.schematic\0\0", ".schematic")
if schematic_file == None:
print "ERROR: No schematic filename provided!"
def cmdBlockTe(x,y,z,cmd):
control = TAG_Compound()
control["Command"] = TAG_String(cmd)
control["id"] = TAG_String(u'Control')
control["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'@')
control["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
control["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
control["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
return control
这给了我错误:“使用序列设置数组元素。” 这里有一些屏幕是什么,这是什么问题: Screen 1, Screen 2。好的,现在我知道导致问题的原因。我该如何解决?我真的很想让它工作:l