是否有可能按照谷歌指南的建议实施副标题行为(参见:https ://www.google.com/design/spec/components/subheaders.html )?特别是标题的粘性功能对我来说很重要。
我在 github 上找到了不同的库(例如https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders),但我想知道 android sdk 中是否有直接支持。
是否有可能按照谷歌指南的建议实施副标题行为(参见:https ://www.google.com/design/spec/components/subheaders.html )?特别是标题的粘性功能对我来说很重要。
我在 github 上找到了不同的库(例如https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders),但我想知道 android sdk 中是否有直接支持。
If you don't want them sticky, and exactly know what positions the headers are going to be( in your data array), then you could simply use following trick :
header is just another list item type,
so extend BaseAdapter and override following methods :
return 2;// 1(list items) + 1(for header)
getItemViewType(int position){
if(want to show header at position)
return 1; // header item
return 0;// regular items
getView(int pos,....)
if(getItemViewType(pos)==0){// regular item
inflate/reuse convertView; // cast to regular item & bind data
} else {
inflate/reuse convertView; // cast to hdr view and bind data
return convertView;
for detailed analysis you could follow this link : http://cyrilmottier.com/2011/07/05/listview-tips-tricks-2-section-your-listview/