Using this post as a reference, Remove path from tab name in Visual Studio 2010 I am trying to remove the path from my tabs in Visual Studio 2015 when you open files that aren't part of the solution itself (like documentation files or scripts). So I've downloaded the Productivity Power Tools 2015 but I can't seem to find the option that removes the path.

Anyone know how to do it please?

Edit: Appears that it's mostly files opened from Source Control Explorer that is displaying this behaviour. Most likely because it's possible to open the same file from multiple branches?


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似乎最好的选择是使用 File->Open 菜单并从工作区中选择文件。一旦 Visual Studio 打开文件,它只显示文件名而不显示整个路径。


于 2015-10-27T13:01:38.633 回答