我在 Python 中使用 SimPy 来创建离散事件模拟,该模拟需要根据用户在 csv 文件中输入的时间表来提供资源。目的是表示在一天中的不同时间可用的相同资源(例如员工)的不同数量。据我所知,这不是基本 SimPy 中可用的东西——比如资源优先级。
我已经设法让这个工作,并包含下面的代码来展示如何。但是我想问社区是否有更好的方法可以在 SimPy 中实现此功能?
下面的代码通过在每天开始时在不应该可用的时间请求资源来工作 - 具有更高的优先级以确保他们获得资源。然后在适当的时间释放资源以供其他事件/进程使用。正如我所说的那样,它可以工作,但似乎很浪费,因为有很多虚拟进程正在努力确保资源的正确真实可用性。欢迎任何会导致改进的意见。
Number time
0 23
50 22
100 17
50 10
20 8
5 6
其中 Number 表示在定义时间可用的员工数量。例如:6-8 点将有 5 名员工,8-10 点将有 20 名员工,10-17 日将有 50 名员工,依此类推,直到一天结束。
import csv
import simpy
# empty list ready to hold the input data in the csv
input_list = []
# a dummy process that "uses" staff until the end of the current day
def take_res():
req = staff.request(priority=-100)
yield req # Request a staff resource at set priority
yield test_env.timeout(24 - test_env.now)
# A dummy process that "uses" staff for the time those staff should not
# be available for the real processes
def request_res(delay, avail_time):
req = staff.request(priority=-100)
yield req # Request a staff resource at set priority
yield test_env.timeout(delay)
yield staff.release(req)
# pass time it is avail for
yield test_env.timeout(avail_time)
# used to print current levels of resource usage
def print_usage():
print('At time %0.2f %d res are in use' % (test_env.now, staff.count))
yield test_env.timeout(0.5)
# used to open the csv and read the data into a list
with open('staff_schedule.csv', mode="r") as infile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
next(reader, None) # ignore header
for row in reader:
# calculates the time the current number of resources will be
# available for and adds to the list
i = 0
for row in the_list:
if i == 0:
row.append(24 - int(input_list[i][1]))
row.append(int(input_list[i-1][1]) - int(input_list[i][1]))
i += 1
# converts list to tuple of tuples to prevent any accidental
# edits from this point in
staff_tuple = tuple(tuple(row) for row in input_list)
# define environment and creates resources
test_env = simpy.Environment()
staff = simpy.PriorityResource(test_env, capacity=sum(int(l[0]) for l in staff_tuple))
# for each row in the tuple run dummy processes to hold resources
# according to schedule in the csv
for item in the_tuple:
for i in range(int(item[0])):
test_env.process(request_res(int(item[1]), int(item[2])))
# run event to print usage over time
# run for 25 hours - so 1 day