防止哈希字符串比较的定时攻击的一种方法是执行额外的 HMAC 签名以随机化验证过程(请参阅https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2011 /二月/双hmac验证/)。

除了每个散列的第二个 HMAC 散列之外,还向两者添加了一个随机长度的随机盐,以使散列时间/过程更加难以预测。


function hmac_verify ($hash_original, $message, $key) {

    $hmac_salt = '...'; // was added at the original HMAC signing
    $random_salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes (rand(16,96));

    $raw_hash = hash_hmac('sha512', $message . $hmac_salt, $key, true);
    $hash_compare = base64_encode ($raw_hash); // $hash_original is in base64 
    $hash_compare_safe = hash_hmac('sha512', $hash_compare, $random_salt, true);
    $hash_original_safe = hash_hmac('sha512', $hash_original, $random_salt, true);

    if ($hash_compare_safe === $hash_original_safe) return true;
        else return false;



if (!hmac_verify ($hmac_hash, $plaintext . $cipher_text, $key . $iv)) return "HASH ERROR";


第二个问题是对明文、密文或两者(如我的示例)执行 HMAC 验证是否更可取,以及为什么。


1 回答 1



function hmac_verify ($hash_original, $message, $key) {
    # Nitpick: A variable named $hash_original will prime people who read
    # your code to think of simple hash functions rather than HMAC

    $hmac_salt = '...'; // was added at the original HMAC signing
    # What is this? $hmac_salt? Looks like a hard coded-salt (a.k.a. pepper).
    # I wouldn't trust this with my life.

    $random_salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes (rand(16,96));
    # Why are you bothering to randomize this? Just use a static value
    # approximating the output size of the hash function (i.e. 64).

    $raw_hash = hash_hmac('sha512', $message . $hmac_salt, $key, true);
    $hash_compare = base64_encode ($raw_hash); // $hash_original is in base64 
    $hash_compare_safe = hash_hmac('sha512', $hash_compare, $random_salt, true);
    # Ah, yeah, don't pepper. HMAC is secure.
    $hash_original_safe = hash_hmac('sha512', $hash_original, $random_salt, true);

    if ($hash_compare_safe === $hash_original_safe) return true;
        else return false;
    # Why not just do this?
    # return $hash_compare_safe === $hash_original_safe;


因此,我强烈建议将其分为两种独立的机制:一种计算 MAC,另一种以恒定时间比较字符串(如 PHP 5.6 所做的hash_equals()那样)。

function hmac_verify ($hmac, $message, $key)
    $calc = hash_hmac('sha512', $message, $key, true);
    return hmac_equals($hmac, $calc);

function hmac_equals($hmac, $calc)
    $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64);
    return (
        hash_hmac('sha512', $hmac, $random)
        hash_hmac('sha512', $calc, $random)
于 2015-10-26T08:02:45.150 回答