首先,searchsource 为您设置了必要的数据传递,因此您不必,实际上不应该为您的搜索流设置发布或订阅。有大量关于 pub/sub 如何在 Meteor 中工作的文献,所以我将直接跳到您的搜索源问题。
<template name="booksearch">
<form name="booksearch"><input type="search"/></form>
{{#each hits}}
var options = {
// cache the search results for 5 minutes
keepHistory: 1000 * 60 * 5,
// allow fast local searches on the cache
localSearch: true
// feed the search to the title field only
var fields = ['title'];
// Set up your search
BookSearch = new SearchSource('books', fields, options);
get the search results reactively. mind you, this is not an invocation.
you'll invoke the search within your event handler down below
hits : function() {
return BookSearch.getData();
'submit form': function(e,t) {
// listen for the submit event
var options = {
// this is your lang query param from the url
lang: FlowRouter.getQueryParam('lang')
// value of the search input from your template
var searchText = t.$('input').val();
// invoke the search using the input and the language
SearchSource.defineSource('books', function(searchText, options) {
// make sure you do have a lang option or use a default one
var lang = options.lang || 'english'
if(searchText) {
var regExp = buildRegExp(searchText);
// use the input and lang to build your mongodb selector
var selector = {title: regExp, language: lang};
return Books.find(selector).fetch();
} else {
// don't return anything if nothing is searched for
return [];
function buildRegExp(searchText) {
// copied over from the naive github example
var parts = searchText.trim().split(/[ \-\:]+/);
return new RegExp("(" + parts.join('|') + ")", "ig");