我正在学习 CPU 架构,这有点令人困惑。

旧的微程序 CISC CPU 将 ISA 指令转换为一系列简单(1 个周期)微指令是否正确 ?(根据 RISC 哲学,ISA 指令基本上与微指令相同,需要 1 个周期)


然而,现代x86 处理器也(通常)将指令解码并拆分为内部缓冲微操作的动态序列......




3 回答 3




通常包含在相当广泛的控制存储中;每个字为 108 位或更多位的情况并不少见。在定序器时钟的每个滴答上,都会读取、解码一个微码字,并用于控制构成 CPU 的功能元件。




于 2015-10-25T01:14:00.003 回答

旧的 CISC 处理器没有翻译。他们直接或通过微码执行 ISA。所有 CPU 都执行一些指令解码(即使在某些 RISC 架构中它相当微不足道)。过去,解码会将机器指令一对一转换为内部微操作。或者机器语言指令将启动一个微码序列运行,该序列执行所有步骤。

今天,为了从 CISC ISA 获得良好的性能,执行多项操作的指令(例如,将内存引用与 ALU 操作相结合)必须“破解”成多个内部微操作,每个微操作都执行更简单的操作。这在概念上与使用微码并没有太大的不同,只是它是在专用硬件中流水线化的,并且微操作是独立跟踪的,并且相对于其他指令是无序的。此外,您可以将这种破解视为更精细的指令解码。

于 2015-10-28T13:05:28.540 回答

As Timothy mentioned, today's CISC machines still convert CISC instructions into micro-ops except that it's being done in a more efficient way to allow for more aggressive out-of-order execution (faster clock speeds ....etc).

Now, what's the difference between all the terms that typically get thrown during such conversations about instructions, micro-ops, micro-instructions, macro-ops, macro/micro-fusion, ....etc? Well, it depends alot on who's talking:

In the AMD world, a macro-op is the equivalent of a micro-op (or uop) in the Intel world. Both refer to one of the micro-operations that an X86 instruction breaks or is decoded into. Both are RISC-like instructions with most likely fixed lengths. Fusion refers to when two operations (typically dependent on each other) are fused together into one operation (to save decode width primarily). If this is done with actual x86 instructions, it's called Macro-Fusion, if it's done with micro-ops, it's called Micro-Fusion. Finally, I think a microinstruction may be used in a context to refer to one instruction of a micro-code in the old days or these days I don't see why it wouldn't be used to refer to a micro-op (or macro-op). However, I personally have not heard it a lot; I typically hear the term micro-op or macro-op more often.

Well, I hope that helps

于 2016-01-15T01:46:15.677 回答