我有一个包含七个目标的 Xcode 项目,对应于七个 iPhone 应用程序。这个数字可能会增加。许多目标使用许多相同的类。
我在下面复制了部分应用程序委托。出于本文的目的,我已将目标 target1 重命名为 target7。我已经设置了相应的宏 mTarget1 到 mTarget7。此外,我还有 mTarget12 等宏,它是为目标 1 和 2 定义的。
应用程序委托中的 ifdef 正在迅速积累。为了说明问题,我在下面展示了应用程序委托的部分内容。
从好的方面来说,积累似乎确实是累加的——它们没有成倍增加,至少现在还没有。同样从好的方面来说,除了应用程序委托之外的文件中的#ifdef 远没有那么糟糕。
我想知道是否有更好的方法来组织这个。我应该补充一点,我不认为单独的 Xcode 项目是一种选择——它会比我现在拥有的更糟糕。
#ifndef mTarget34
// an import
#ifdef mTarget56
// an import
#ifdef mTarget7
// an import
#ifdef mTarget12
// a bunch of imports
#ifdef mTarget2
// an import
#ifdef mTarget4
// an import
@implementation xxxAppDelegate
@synthesize window;
#ifdef mTarget1
// synthesize a member
#ifdef mTarget34
// synthesize a member
#ifdef mTarget5
// synthesize four members
- (void)dealloc {
[window release];
[super dealloc];
#ifdef mTarget1
// release a member
#ifdef mTarget34
// release a member
- (void) logMacroes {
// a bunch more ifdef's here because it is helpful to NSLog my macroes when the program starts.
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
[self logMacroes];
#ifdef mTarget1
//start analytics
#ifndef mTarget7
//start up the sound
#ifndef mTarget34
# ifndef mTarget7
// load the data model
# endif
#ifdef mTarget12
// create a bunch of tabs for the tab bar
#ifdef mTarget2
// start analytics
// create a view controller that will eventually go into the tab bar.
#ifdef mTarget12
NSMutableArray *vc = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:
// a bunch of objects
# ifdef mTarget2
// another object . . . we are still inside the initWithObjects statement here.
# endif
# ifdef mTarget1
// another object
# endif
nil]; // initWithObjects finally done.
//release a bunch of stuff
# ifdef mTarget2
//another release
# endif
// use the array we just created to create a tab bar controller.
// Add the tab bar controller to the window
#ifdef mTarget34
// hide the status bar
// create a navigation controller and add it to the window.
#ifdef mTarget56
//Hide the status bar. Create a view controller and add it to the window.
#ifdef mTarget7
// create a view controller and add it to the window.
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
#ifndef mTarget34
# ifndef mTarget7
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
// save the model
- (void) applicationWillTerminate: (UIApplication *) application {
// save the model
# endif