
# encoding: utf-8
# module ujson
# from /home/marty/dj/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ujson.so
# by generator 1.136
# no doc
# no imports

# Variables with simple values

__version__ = '1.33'

# functions

def decode(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts JSON as string to dict object structure. Use precise_float=True to use high precision float decoder. """

def dump(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts arbitrary object recursively into JSON file. Use ensure_ascii=false to output UTF-8. Pass in double_precision to alter the maximum digit precision of doubles. Set encode_html_chars=True to encode < > & as unicode escape sequences. """

def dumps(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts arbitrary object recursivly into JSON. Use ensure_ascii=false to output UTF-8. Pass in double_precision to alter the maximum digit precision of doubles. Set encode_html_chars=True to encode < > & as unicode escape sequences. """

def encode(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts arbitrary object recursivly into JSON. Use ensure_ascii=false to output UTF-8. Pass in double_precision to alter the maximum digit precision of doubles. Set encode_html_chars=True to encode < > & as unicode escape sequences. """

def load(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts JSON as file to dict object structure. Use precise_float=True to use high precision float decoder. """

def loads(*args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown
    """ Converts JSON as string to dict object structure. Use precise_float=True to use high precision float decoder. """

# no classes

ujson 仅使用此代码执行任何方法。名为的外部文件ujson.so是一个共享库。

, # from, # module, # by generator,注释是否对此代码有任何影响(我知道# no doc指定文件的编码)no imports# encoding

来自 pypi
UltraJSON 是一个超快速的 JSON 编码器和解码器,用纯 C 编写,绑定 Python 2.5+ 和 3。


  1. 调用方法(例如ujson.loads(my_string))如何执行?
  2. python方法如何重定向/链接到共享对象?
  3. 这种 Python 编程方法叫什么?

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