I have copied code directly form the Angular Bootstrap UI Plunkr
I am using a blank Angular FullStack (Mean) template for building an application.
When I use the code from the Angular Bootstrap uib-dropdown
it ends up formatted incorrectly and does not work, all other angular bootstrap components seem to work fine
<!-- Single button -->
<div class="btn-group" uib-dropdown is-open="status.isopen">
<button id="single-button" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" uib-dropdown-toggle ng-disabled="disabled">
Button dropdown <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="uib-dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="single-button">
<li role="menuitem"><a href="#">Action</a></li>
<li role="menuitem"><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li role="menuitem"><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li role="menuitem"><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>