我正在部署 Rails 应用程序。
我在我的服务器上设置了 Gitosis。Git 用户已启动,我已经在服务器上拥有“部署”用户!我从服务器上的部署用户“git clone”到我的本地机器。设置 Gitosis 后,我还可以从服务器(git 用户)“git clone”。
我想要的是从“git”用户到“部署”用户从服务器内部的“git clone”“git clone”!
我已经知道这个问题出在 ssh 权限等方面,因为当我尝试在部署用户上“git clone”时,我得到了
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/deploy/some_folder/.git/
The authenticity of host '[178.xx.xx.xx]:30000 ([178.xx.xx.xx]:30000)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is dc:f3:53:35:xx:xx:xx:f7:62:4c:e3:68:7e:70:46:cb.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? ( MY ANSWER yes )
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/deploy/.ssh/known_hosts).
git@178.xx.xx.xx's password: