What you're going to do is return a cursor containing all the information you want, then you can work with $meteor.object on the client side if you like. Normally, publishComposite would look something like this: (I don't know what your curriculum.resources looks like)
Use this method if the curriculum.resources has only ONE id:
// this takes the place of the publish method
Meteor.publishComposite('curriculum', function(id) {
return {
find: function() {
// Here you are getting the CurriculumList based on the id, or whatever you want
return CurriculumList.find({_id: id});
children: [
find: function(curr) {
// (curr) will be each of the CurriculumList's found from the parent query
// Normally you would do something like this:
return ResourceList.find(_id: curr.resources[0]._id);
This method if you have multiple resources:
However, since it looks like your curriculum is going to have a resources list with one or many objects with id's then we need to build the query before returning anything. Try something like:
// well use a function so we can send in an _id
Meteor.publishComposite('curriculum', function(id){
// we'll build our query before returning it.
var query = {
find: function() {
return CurriculumList.find({_id: id});
// now we'll fetch the curriculum so we can access the resources list
var curr = CurriculumList.find({_id: id}).fetch();
// this will pluck the ids from the resources and place them into an array
var rList = _.pluck(curr.resources, '_id');
// here we'll iterate over the resource ids and place a "find" object into the query.children array.
query.children = [];
_.each(rList, function(id) {
var childObj = {
find: function() {
return ResourceList.find({_id: id});
return query;
So what should happen here (I didn't test) is with one publish function you will be getting the Curriculum you want, plus all of it's resourceslist children.
Now you will have access to these on the client side.
$scope.curriculum = $meteor.object(CurriculumList, $stateParams.curriculumId);
// collection if more than one, object if only one.
$scope.resources = $meteor.collection(ResoursesList, false);
This was thrown together somewhat quickly so I apologize if it doesn't work straight off, any trouble I'll help you fix.