此视频文件可以存储在本地,也可以存储在外部。我开始尝试提供位于 SMB 服务器上的文件,因此我尝试使用此代码从服务器获取文件并返回它(我知道它正在等待读取整个文件而不是读取和发送块,但应该可以工作正确的?):
webServer.addDefaultHandlerForMethod("GET", requestClass: GCDWebServerRequest.self, processBlock: {request in
print("########\n########Request: \(request)")
let webrequested:GCDWebServerRequest = request;
let urlcita:String = String(webrequested.URL)
print("URL of requests\(urlcita)")
if urlcita.rangeOfString("videosmb") != nil{
print("It's a video SMB request")
//Test fake SMB file predefined. Read File using KxSMB
let route:String = "smb://";
let extensFile:NSString = (route as NSString).pathExtension
let contentype = GCDWebServerGetMimeTypeForExtension(extensFile as String);
print("Content type MIME \(contentype)")
//Open SMB file using KxSMB
let authcredentials = KxSMBAuth.smbAuthWorkgroup("", username: "Guest", password: "");
let provider = KxSMBProvider.sharedSmbProvider()!
let archivoes = provider.fetchAtPath(route, auth: authcredentials)
//Switch to manually end the reading when switched to true. In the future will send chunks of data until the end, instead of reading the whole file first.
var interruptor:Bool = false
//Response Stream block
let responseStream: GCDWebServerStreamedResponse = GCDWebServerStreamedResponse(contentType: contentype, asyncStreamBlock: { completionBlock in
if (interruptor == true)
print("Test: End of reading")
completionBlock(NSData(), nil);
if archivoes!.isKindOfClass(NSError){
//It can not find the file, SMB error, so empty NSDATA to completion block
let errorcito:NSError = archivoes as! NSError
print("Error obteniendo archivo SMB: \(errorcito.localizedDescription)");
completionBlock(NSData(), nil);
print("Archivo SMB adecuado \(archivoes)")
let datos:NSData = archivoes!.readDataToEndOfFile()
//Print lenght of data (to check the size of the file)
print("Data lenght \(datos.length)")
//Set switch to true, so the next call will send an empty daya completion block
interruptor = true
//Send data chunk (in this case everything)
completionBlock(datos, nil);
return responseStream
//Default response
return GCDWebServerDataResponse(HTML:"<html><body><p>Hello World<br></p></body></html>")
但是,我无法让它工作。我总是遇到管道损坏错误,访问网络服务器的网络播放器(也从 mac 和 iOS 浏览)不播放任何内容。我还尝试使用嵌入式 iOS 播放器来记录响应(KxMovie)。我得到这样的东西:
[DEBUG] Did open connection on socket 19
[DEBUG] Connection received 177 bytes on socket 19
[DEBUG] Connection on socket 19 preflighting request "GET /videosmb" with 177 bytes body
[DEBUG] Connection on socket 19 processing request "GET /videosmb" with 177 bytes body
[DEBUG] Did connect
[DEBUG] Did start background task
[DEBUG] Connection sent 175 bytes on socket 19
从应用程序内部使用本地播放器(KxMovie),这里似乎正在读取文件头,它会获得正确的文件大小和视频尺寸。但是它不播放,最后说它到达了视频的结尾(没有播放)。紧接着,WebServer 显示错误:
[ERROR] Error while writing to socket 19: Broken pipe (32)
[DEBUG] Did close connection on socket 19
[VERBOSE] [fe80::cd0:28cd:3a37:b871%en1:8080] fe80::cd0:28cd:3a37:b871%en1:50109 200 "GET /videosmb" (177 | 175)
[DEBUG] Did disconnect
[DEBUG] Did end background task
鉴于这是我第一次与 SMB 服务器打交道,虽然我可能在 SMB 部分做错了什么,所以我决定采用一种简化的方法来进行测试。这次我尝试提供存储在远程网络服务器(不是 SMB)上的简单 mp4 文件。它也没有用。最后我尝试提供一个包含在应用程序主包中的本地文件,同样的事情发生了:什么都没有。这是代码:
webServer.addDefaultHandlerForMethod("GET", requestClass: GCDWebServerRequest.self, processBlock: {request in
print("########\n########Request: \(request)")
let webrequested:GCDWebServerRequest = request;
let url:String = String(webrequested.URL)
print("URL of request: \(url)")
if url.rangeOfString("video") != nil{
print("It's a video request")
let rutalocalita = (NSBundle.mainBundle()).pathForResource("video", ofType: "avi")
let datos = NSData(contentsOfFile: rutalocalita!)!
print("video size: \(datos.length)")
return GCDWebServerDataResponse(data: datos, contentType: "video/avi")
//Default Response: Simple web
return GCDWebServerDataResponse(HTML:"<html><body><p>Hello World<br></p></body></html>")
[DEBUG] Did open connection on socket 19
[DEBUG] Connection received 177 bytes on socket 19
[DEBUG] Connection on socket 19 preflighting request "GET /video" with 177 bytes body
[DEBUG] Connection on socket 19 processing request "GET /video" with 177 bytes body
[DEBUG] Did connect
[DEBUG] Did start background task
[myCUSTOMDebug] Read 13584902 b. I'm going to send the response back to the request.
[DEBUG] Connection sent 173 bytes on socket 19
在这里,我在应用程序中使用的本地 Playing 来跟踪响应,能够读取如下内容:
header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
2015-10-17 17:51:41.571 videotvtest[262:14252] http_code=200
2015-10-17 17:51:41.571 videotvtest[262:14252] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
2015-10-17 17:51:41.571 videotvtest[262:14252] header='Content-Length: 13584902'
2015-10-17 17:51:41.572 videotvtest[262:14252] header='Content-Type: video/avi'
2015-10-17 17:51:41.572 videotvtest[262:14252] header='Connection: Close'
2015-10-17 17:51:41.573 videotvtest[262:14252] header='Server: GCDWebServer'
[ERROR] Error while writing to socket 19: Broken pipe (32)
[DEBUG] Did close connection on socket 19
[VERBOSE] [fe80::cd0:28cd:3a37:b871%en1:8080] fe80::cd0:28cd:3a37:b871%en1:50155 200 "GET /video" (177 | 173)
netbios_ns_send_name_query, name query sent for '*'.
[DEBUG] Did disconnect
[DEBUG] Did end background task
我正在为此使用 tvOS 和 Xcode 7,但我想如果我能够显示常规的 HTML 响应应该没问题......所以我确定我错过了一些东西,或者我错过了一些安装 WebServer 时的框架(我没有使用 pod)?提前致谢