问题描述 在我的 select2 框中,我确实输入了一些字符,并且得到了匹配列表。删除 2 个或更多字符后,我选择匹配表单 de 列表。那一刻,页面卡住了。它已经失去了任何参考。唯一的解决方案是刷新整个页面。
ajax 调用工作正常,每次更改都会刷新 select2 框。按回车键执行 onchange 函数 (csjs)。所有函数似乎都可以工作,因为每个函数之后的调试消息都显示在我的 java 控制台中。
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock3">
var executeOnServer = function ( eventId ) {
// must supply event handler id or we're outta here....
if (!arguments[0])
return false;
// OPTIONAL - The Client Side ID that you want to partial refresh after executing the event handler
var refreshId = (arguments[1]) ? arguments[1] : "@none";
var form = (arguments[1]) ? XSP.findForm(arguments[1]) : dojo.query('form')[0];
// OPTIONAL - Options object containing onStart, onComplete and onError functions for the call to the
// handler and subsequent partial refresh
var options = (arguments[2]) ? arguments[2] : {};
// OPTIONAL - Value to submit in $$xspsubmitvalue. can be retrieved using context.getSubmittedValue()
var submitValue = (arguments[3]) ? arguments[3] : '';
// Set the ID in $$xspsubmitid of the event handler to execute
dojo.query('[name="$$xspsubmitid"]')[0].value = eventId;
dojo.query('[name="$$xspexecid"]')[0].value = "";
dojo.query('[name="$$xspsubmitscroll"]')[0].value = "0|0";
dojo.query('[name="$$xspsubmitvalue"]')[0].value = submitValue;
XSP._partialRefresh("post", form, refreshId, options);}
placeholder: "Selecteer een student",
minimumInputLength: 3,
quietMillis: 750,
width: '400px',
ajax: {
url: "/Apps/FEZ/SBA.nsf/selecteerStudent.xsp",
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
q: term, // search term
page_limit: 10,
local : true
results: function (data, page) { // parse the results into the format expected by Select2.
return data;
function(e) {
console.log("changed to " + e.val);
executeOnServer("#{id:voegToeStudent}", "#{id:lijstStudentSelectie}", {});