我正在用 C 编写一个程序来模拟支票账户。有交易代码,I = 初始余额,D = 存款,C = 支票(你给某人写一张支票,就像取款一样)。维护帐户的月费为 3.00 美元,每张兑现支票的费用为 0.06 美元,每笔存款为 0.03 美元,当兑现支票余额低于 0.00 美元时,透支费用为 5.00 美元。
我无法完成这些功能。如果您不认为对所有这些都有帮助,那么请帮助使用 deposit() 函数。我才刚接触 C 语言几个月,而我们刚刚接触到函数。这是我未完成的代码。谢谢你的帮助。
#include <stdio.h>
void outputHeaders (void);
void initialBalance (double iBalance);
void deposit(double amount, double balance, double service, int numDeposit,double amtDeposit);
void check(char code, double amtCheck, double balance);
void outputSummary ();
int main (void)
char code;
double amount, service, balance;
double amtCheck, amtDeposit, openBalance, closeBalance;
int numCheck, numDeposit;
amount = 0.0;
service = 0.0;
balance = 0.0;
amtCheck = 0.0;
amtDeposit = 0.0;
openBalance = 0.0;
closeBalance = 0.0;
numCheck = 0;
numDeposit = 0;
printf("Enter the code of transaction and the amount: ");
scanf("%c %lf\n", &code, &amount);
if (code == 'I')
initialBalance(amount, &balance, &service, &numDeposit, &amtDeposit);
else if (code == 'D')
deposit (amount, &balance, &service, &numDeposit);
check(amount, &balance, &service, &numCheck, &amtCheck);
getchar(); getchar();
return 0;
void outputHeaders (void)
printf("Transaction Deposit Check Balance\n"
"-------------- -------- ------ -------");
void initialBalance (double amount, double *balance, double *service, int *numDeposit, double *amtDeposit)
void deposit (double amount, double *balance, double *service, int *numDeposit, double *amtDeposit)
*balance = *balance + *amtDeposit;
*numDeposit++; //need to keep track of amount of deposits
*service = *service - 0.03; //service charge
printf("Deposit %lf %lf\n", *amtDeposit, *balance);
void check (double amount, double *balance, double *service, int *numCheck, double *amtCheck)
void outputSummary (int *numDeposit, double *amtDeposit, int *numCheck, int *amtCheck, double *openBalance, double *service, double *closeBalance)