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我是使用 VMWare API 的新手,特别是尝试使用 pyVmomi。我很难理解这一切是如何结合在一起的。我想要完成的只是: 1. 获取数据存储上的 vmx/vmdk 并将其添加到清单(RegisterVM_Task ?) 2. 进入清单后,转换为模板如果上述 2 可以组合成1个过程,更好。基本上到目前为止,我所能做的就是连接到我的 vcenter 端点并通过 pyVmomi 获得有效连接。这是我拥有的相关代码,并且一直在尝试使用但没有成功:
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
from pyVmomi import vim
import requests
import ssl
#hacky way around SSL certificate checks in Python 2.7.9+
_create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
# Create connection to vcenter
hostname = 'vcenter'
username = 'username'
passwd = 'password'
si = SmartConnect(host=hostname, user=username, pwd=passwd, port=int(443))
except IOError, e:
if not si:
print "Could not connect to the specified host using specified username and password"
# Do stuff
content = si.RetrieveContent()
si.content.rootFolder.RegisterVM_Task("[dvsolidfire01-vmware-general] packer_images/centos7-vmware-2015-10-13/devit-centos7-vmware-2015-10-13.vmx", "template-test", asTemplate=True)
它返回 vim.Task:task-XXXXX 的作用,然后我看到 vcenter 控制台中的实际任务失败并出现以下错误:“指定的参数不正确:主机”所以如果我尝试指定主机/集群字符串,我收到以下错误:“TypeError: For "host" expected type vim.HostSystem, but got str" OK,那么如何指定 vim.HostSystem 类型呢?我的语法/过程对于我试图尝试的内容是否正确?如果没有任何示例或文档,这很难弄清楚。任何帮助,将不胜感激!(是的,我看过 pyvmomi 样本,但在这里它们对我没有帮助)。谢谢!
我已经通过下面的代码通过 PowerCLI 实现了我所描述的内容:
# Add VMX to Inventory and convert to template
write-host "Connecting to vCenter Server $vCenter" -foreground green
Connect-viserver $vCenter -user $vCenterUser -password $vCenterUserPassword -WarningAction 0
# Set Cluster to MyCluster
$Cluster = "MyCluster"
# Get random ESX host from Cluster list
$ESXHost = Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost | select -First 1
write-host "Adding to inventory and converting to template..." -foreground green
$VM = New-VM -VMFilePath $VMXFile -VMHost $ESXHost
$template = Get-VM $VM | Set-VM -ToTemplate -Name "Template-Test" -Confirm:$false
# Move template to Templates folder
$folder = Get-Folder -ID "Folder-group-v22506"
Move-Inventory -Item $template -Destination $folder
我真的需要从 Linux 主机上运行它,所以 pyvmomi 更可取。我不确定为什么文档或用法与 PowerCLI 相比如此复杂和不直观。任何帮助将不胜感激!
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
from pyVmomi import vim
import atexit
import time
def main():
def get_uuid(vmfolder, vmname, vmstatus):
Get UUID of specific orphaned vm from vmfolder ManagedObject
# if this is a group it will have children, if so iterate through all the VMs in said parent
if hasattr(vmfolder, 'childEntity'):
vmlist = vmfolder.childEntity
for vm in vmlist:
summary = vm.summary
if summary.config.name == vmname and summary.runtime.connectionState == vmstatus:
return summary.config.instanceUuid
# Environment vars
hostname = 'vcenter'
username = 'username'
from getpass import getpass
passwd = getpass("enter vcenter pass: ")
#hacky workaround to ssl cert warnings in Python 2.7.9+
import requests, ssl
_create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
# Make connection to vcenter
si = SmartConnect(host=hostname, user=username, pwd=passwd, port=int(443))
except IOError, e:
if not si:
print "Could not connect to the specified host using specified username and password"
atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
# Get vcenter content object
content = si.RetrieveContent()
# Get list of DCs in vCenter and set datacente to the vim.Datacenter object corresponding to the "DC01" DC
datacenters = content.rootFolder.childEntity
for dc in datacenters:
if dc.name == "DC01":
datacenter = dc
# Get List of Folders in the "DC01" DC and set tfolder to the vim.Folder object corresponding to the "Templates" folder
dcfolders = datacenter.vmFolder
vmfolders = dcfolders.childEntity
for folder in vmfolders:
if folder.name == "Templates":
tfolder = folder
# Set "Discovered virtual machine" folder to orphan_folder for future use.
elif folder.name == "Discovered virtual machine":
orphan_folder = folder
# Get vim.HostSystem object for specific ESX host to place template on
esxhost = content.searchIndex.FindByDnsName(None, "dvesx10.dev.tsi.lan", vmSearch=False)
# Clean up orphaned VM from packer build (since they don't do it for some reason)
orphan_uuid = get_uuid(orphan_folder, "devit-centos7-vmware-2015-10-15", "orphaned")
if orphan_uuid not None:
vm = content.searchIndex.FindByUuid(None, orphan_uuid, True, True)
# Wait 10 seconds until VMWare updates that the orphaned item has been deleted before trying to create a new one
# Wow, we can actually do stuff now! Add the VMX in the specified path to the inventory as a template within the "Templates" folder
tfolder.RegisterVM_Task("[dvsolidfire01-vmware-general] packer_images/centos7-vmware-2015-10-15/devit-centos7-vmware-2015-10-15.vmx", "CentOS 7 - 2015Q4 - Test", asTemplate=True, host=esxhost)
if __name__ == "__main__":