好的好的,我知道这是一个 hack,但这是针对一个小型的数据操作项目,我想尝试一下。;-)

我一直认为编译器会检查 C# 程序中使用的所有匿名类型,如果属性相同,它只会在幕后创建一个类。


var smallData1 = new smallData1().GetData().Select(
    x => new { Name = x.NAME, x.ADDRESS, City = x.CITY, State = x.STATE,
    Zip = x.ZIP, Country = x.COUNTRY, ManagerName = x.MANAGER_NAME,
    ManagerID = x.MANAGER_ID });

var smallData2 = new smallData2().GetData().Select(
    x => new { x.Name, x.ADDRESS, x.City, x.State, x.Zip, x.Country,
    x.ManagerName,x.ManagerID });

我现在可以做一些有趣的事情,比如smallData2.Except(smallData1); 等等,这一切都有效。


var bigData1 = new BigAdapter1().GetData().Select(
    x => new { x.FirstName, x.LastName, x.Address, x.City, x.State,
    x.Zip, x.Country, x.Phone, x.Email, x.Website, x.Custom1, x.Custom2,
    x.Custom3, x.Custom4, x.Custom5, x.Custom6, x.Custom7, x.Custom8, x.Custom9,
    x.Custom10, x.Custom11, x.Custom12, x.Custom13, x.Custom14, x.Custom15,
    x.Custom16, x.Custom17, x.Custom18, x.Custom19, x.Custom20, x.Custom21,
    x.Custom22, x.Custom23, x.Custom24, x.Custom25, x.Custom26, x.Custom27,
    x.Custom28, x.Custom29});

var bigData2 = new BigAdapter2().GetData().Select(
    x => new { x.FirstName, x.LastName, x.Address, x.City, x.State, x.Zip,
    x.Country, x.Phone, x.Email, x.Website, x.Custom1, x.Custom2, x.Custom3,
    x.Custom4, x.Custom5, x.Custom6, x.Custom7, x.Custom8, x.Custom9, x.Custom10,
    x.Custom11, x.Custom12, x.Custom13, x.Custom14, x.Custom15, x.Custom16,
    x.Custom17, x.Custom18, x.Custom19, x.Custom20, x.Custom21, x.Custom22,
    x.Custom23, x.Custom24, x.Custom25, x.Custom26, x.Custom27,
    x.Custom28, x.Custom29});

现在当我做bigData2.Except(bigData1); 编译器抱怨:

Instance argument: cannot convert from
'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection<AnonymousType#1>' to




3 回答 3



于 2010-07-23T02:39:15.100 回答



我刚刚运行了一个包含 40 个属性和 20,000,000 行的 LINQ 示例,但没有遇到问题。

(不幸的是,在 LINQPad 中尝试这个不可折叠的示例)

void Main()
 Test t = new Test();
 var a = Enumerable.Range(1,10000000).Select(i => new  
  t.T0, t.T1, t.T2, t.T3, t.T4, t.T5, t.T6, t.T7, t.T8, t.T9,
  t.T10, t.T11, t.T12, t.T13, t.T14, t.T15, t.T16, t.T17, t.T18, t.T19,
  t.T20, t.T21, t.T22, t.T23, t.T24, t.T25, t.T26, t.T27, t.T28, t.T29,
  t.T30, t.T31, t.T32, t.T33, t.T34, t.T35, t.T36, t.T37, t.T38, t.T39,

 Test2 t2 = new Test2();
 var b = Enumerable.Range(1,10000000).Select(i => new  
  t2.T0, t2.T1, t2.T2, t2.T3, t2.T4, t2.T5, t.T6, t2.T7, t2.T8, t2.T9,
  t2.T10, t2.T11, t2.T12, t2.T13, t2.T14, t2.T15, t2.T16, t2.T17, t2.T18, t2.T19,
  t2.T20, t2.T21, t2.T22, t2.T23, t2.T24, t2.T25, t2.T26, t2.T27, t2.T28, t2.T29,
  t2.T30, t2.T31, t2.T32, t2.T33, t2.T34, t2.T35, t2.T36, t2.T37, t2.T38, t2.T39,


class Test
 public string T0 { get; set ;}
 public string T1 { get; set ;}
 public string T2 { get; set ;}
 public string T3 { get; set ;}
 public string T4 { get; set ;}
 public string T5 { get; set ;}
 public string T6 { get; set ;}
 public string T7 { get; set ;}
 public string T8 { get; set ;}
 public string T9 { get; set ;}
 public string T10 { get; set ;}
 public string T11 { get; set ;}
 public string T12 { get; set ;}
 public string T13 { get; set ;}
 public string T14 { get; set ;}
 public string T15 { get; set ;}
 public string T16 { get; set ;}
 public string T17 { get; set ;}
 public string T18 { get; set ;}
 public string T19 { get; set ;}
 public string T20 { get; set ;}
 public string T21 { get; set ;}
 public string T22 { get; set ;}
 public string T23 { get; set ;}
 public string T24 { get; set ;}
 public string T25 { get; set ;}
 public string T26 { get; set ;}
 public string T27 { get; set ;}
 public string T28 { get; set ;}
 public string T29 { get; set ;}
 public string T30 { get; set ;}
 public string T31 { get; set ;}
 public string T32 { get; set ;}
 public string T33 { get; set ;}
 public string T34 { get; set ;}
 public string T35 { get; set ;}
 public string T36 { get; set ;}
 public string T37 { get; set ;}
 public string T38 { get; set ;}
 public string T39 { get; set ;}

class Test2
 public string T0 { get; set ;}
 public string T1 { get; set ;}
 public string T2 { get; set ;}
 public string T3 { get; set ;}
 public string T4 { get; set ;}
 public string T5 { get; set ;}
 public string T6 { get; set ;}
 public string T7 { get; set ;}
 public string T8 { get; set ;}
 public string T9 { get; set ;}
 public string T10 { get; set ;}
 public string T11 { get; set ;}
 public string T12 { get; set ;}
 public string T13 { get; set ;}
 public string T14 { get; set ;}
 public string T15 { get; set ;}
 public string T16 { get; set ;}
 public string T17 { get; set ;}
 public string T18 { get; set ;}
 public string T19 { get; set ;}
 public string T20 { get; set ;}
 public string T21 { get; set ;}
 public string T22 { get; set ;}
 public string T23 { get; set ;}
 public string T24 { get; set ;}
 public string T25 { get; set ;}
 public string T26 { get; set ;}
 public string T27 { get; set ;}
 public string T28 { get; set ;}
 public string T29 { get; set ;}
 public string T30 { get; set ;}
 public string T31 { get; set ;}
 public string T32 { get; set ;}
 public string T33 { get; set ;}
 public string T34 { get; set ;}
 public string T35 { get; set ;}
 public string T36 { get; set ;}
 public string T37 { get; set ;}
 public string T38 { get; set ;}
 public string T39 { get; set ;}
于 2010-07-23T01:25:32.813 回答

与任何类型一样,匿名类型的范围仅限于包含它们的程序集。如果两个适配器在同一个 dll 中(实际上是模块 IIRC),编译器只能视为相等。


static Type Identify<T>(IEnumerable<T>) {return typeof(T);}
var t1= Identify(bigData1), t2= Identify(bigData2);
if(t1 == t2) {
    Console.WriteLine("they're the same");
} else {
    var props1 = t1.GetProperties(), props2 = t2.GetProperties();
    if(props1.Length != props2.Length) {
        Console.WriteLine(props1.Length + " vs " + props2.Length);
    } else {
        Array.Sort(props1, p => p.Name);
        Array.Sort(props2, p => p.Name);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < props1.Length ; i++) {
            if(props1[i].Name != props2[i].Name)
                Console.WriteLine(props1[i].Name + " vs " + props2[i].Name);
            if(props1[i].PropertyType != props2[i].PropertyType)
                Console.WriteLine(props1[i].PropertyType + " vs " + props2[i].PropertyType );
于 2010-07-23T05:12:57.287 回答