您定位的形状似乎是“BPMN 基本形状”模具中的“折叠子流程”。这是一个组形状,顶层没有几何形状,所以改变它的颜色,就像你在你的问题中所做的那样,没有视觉上的变化。要解决这个问题,您需要找到用于显示背景的子形状。碰巧在这个特定的母版中,包含您需要定位的填充的子形状的索引比父形状大一,因此您可以在代码中使用它。该形状缺少任何其他清晰的特征(例如用户单元格),这些特征会成为更好的候选者,因此请注意,此方法仅适用于该特定形状。
public void OnCheckFillBPMN()
Color fillColor = Color.FromArgb(1, 255, 0, 0);
CollapsedSubProcessFill(this.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem, fillColor);
private void CollapsedSubProcessFill(Visio.Shape vShpIn, Color fillColor)
if (vShpIn != null && vShpIn.Master != null && vShpIn.Master.NameU.StartsWith("Collapsed Sub-Process"))
//The sub-shape that provides the fill colour in
//the 'Collapsed Sub-Process' master is the first index
//after the group shape.
//If you want to use a different method to locate the
//correct sub-shape then do that here.
var targetSubShpId = vShpIn.ID + 1;
var targetShp = TryGetShapeInCollection(vShpIn.Shapes, targetSubShpId);
if (targetShp != null)
var targetCell = targetShp.get_CellsSRC(
targetCell.FormulaU = "RGB(" + fillColor.R
+ ',' + fillColor.G
+ ',' + fillColor.B + ')';
private Visio.Shape TryGetShapeInCollection(Visio.Shapes vShps, int shpId)
if (vShps != null)
var targetShp = vShps.ItemFromID[shpId];
return targetShp;
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
if (ex.ErrorCode == -2032465756) //Invalid sheet identifier
return null;
return null;