I have to check a Profinet Network in order to get all the components. I could ask them via NSMP, or DCP, but I need the UUID to after that executing functions via RPC.

The problem is that, there was a function named LookUpBegin(next and stop) that did the work for Windows NT, but is unsupported after Vista OS. Now I have seen that there has to be something here but I have not been able to find what it is, where it is located...

Have you had any experience with DCE-RPC in C++? Best way? Any sample? whatever.

Another question is: I have to execute functions in a device server that I do not know. Is there any function of RPC that allows to execute a function giving an id or similar and a string? A kind of socket that you send to the server and if it was well coded the server would execute something. Because I have been able to sniff the traces via Wireshark. So I could know some part of them.


1 回答 1


解决方案:制作自己的数据包并通过套接字发送它们。Wireshark 可以提供帮助。

于 2015-10-22T13:49:02.103 回答