function array [int] of var int: path(array[int,int] of int: graph, int: source, int: target)::promise_total =
let {
set of int: V = index_set_1of2(graph);
int: order = card(V);
set of int: indexes = 1..order;
array[indexes] of var (V union {-1}): path_array;
var indexes: path_nodes_count; % the 'size' of the path
constraint assert(index_set_1of2(graph) = index_set_2of2(graph), "The adjacency matrix is not square", true);
constraint assert({source, target} subset V, "Source and target must be vertexes", true);
constraint path_array[1] == source;
constraint path_array[path_nodes_count] == target;
constraint forall(i in 2..path_nodes_count) ( graph[ path_array[i-1], path_array[i] ] != 0 );
constraint forall(i in indexes, where i > path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] = -1 );
constraint forall(i,j in indexes, where i<j /\ j<=path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] != path_array[j] );
} in path_array;
predicate exists_path(array[int,int] of int: graph, int: source, int: target)::promise_total =
let {
set of int: V = index_set_1of2(graph);
int: order = card(V);
set of int: indexes = 1..order;
array[indexes] of var (V union {-1}): path_array;
constraint assert(index_set_1of2(graph) = index_set_2of2(graph), "The adjacency matrix is not square", true);
constraint assert({source, target} subset V, "Source and target must be vertexes", true);
exists(path_nodes_count in indexes) (
path_array[1] == source /\
path_array[path_nodes_count] == target /\
forall(i in 2..path_nodes_count) ( graph[ path_array[i-1], path_array[i] ] != 0 ) /\
forall(i,j in indexes, where i<j /\ j<=path_nodes_count) ( path_array[i] != path_array[j] )
int: N;
array[1..N, 1..N] of 0..1: adj_mat;
array[1..N] of var int: path;
% These should work:
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 1, 3) = true;
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 4, 1) = false;
% These should raise =====UNSATISFIABLE=====
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 1, 3) = false;
constraint exists_path(adj_mat, 4, 1) = true;
solve satisfy;
% If you want to check the working constraint:
% constraint path = path(adj_mat, 1, 3);
% constraint path = path(adj_mat, 4, 1); <- This finds out that the model is unsatisfiable
% output[show(path)];
/* 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 */
adj_mat = [|
0, 1, 0, 0,|
0, 0, 1, 0,|
0, 0, 0, 1,|
0, 0, 0, 0 |];
/* Disconnected graph
1---2---6 4
\ / |
3 5 */
adj_mat = [|
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, |
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, |
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, |
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 |];