我试图使用 Amazon EC2 Container Serivce(ECS) 来托管我的 selenium 集线器/节点来进行浏览器测试。我的设置如下
image: selenium/hub
- "4444:4444"
image: selenium/node-firefox
- hub
image: selenium/node-chrome
- hub
然后我曾经ecs-cli compose service up
)时,集线器收到了我的测试请求,并将测试分发到 chrome 容器,chrome 容器得到了测试并尝试创建一个新会话。然后它说only local connections are allowed
[ec2-user@ip-172-xx-xx-xx ~]$ docker logs --follow 87162744e132
19:37:35.509 INFO - Launching a Selenium Grid node
19:37:36.783 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 25.45-b02
19:37:36.788 INFO - OS: Linux 3.14.48-33.39.amzn1.x86_64 amd64
19:37:36.818 INFO - v2.48.0, with Core v2.48.0. Built from revision d80083d
19:37:37.006 INFO - Driver provider org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform LINUX
19:37:37.009 INFO - Driver provider org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{browserName=MicrosoftEdge, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform LINUX
19:37:37.015 INFO - Driver class not found: com.opera.core.systems.OperaDriver
19:37:37.015 INFO - Driver provider com.opera.core.systems.OperaDriver is not registered
19:37:37.207 INFO - Selenium Grid node is up and ready to register to the hub
19:37:37.313 INFO - Starting auto registration thread. Will try to register every 5000 ms.
19:37:37.316 INFO - Registering the node to the hub:
19:37:37.358 INFO - The node is registered to the hub and ready to use
19:37:35.509 INFO - Launching a Selenium Grid node
19:37:36.783 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 25.45-b02
19:37:36.788 INFO - OS: Linux 3.14.48-33.39.amzn1.x86_64 amd64
19:37:36.818 INFO - v2.48.0, with Core v2.48.0. Built from revision d80083d
19:37:37.006 INFO - Driver provider org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{ensureCleanSession=true, browserName=internet explorer, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform LINUX
19:37:37.009 INFO - Driver provider org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver registration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{browserName=MicrosoftEdge, version=, platform=WINDOWS}] does not match the current platform LINUX
19:37:37.015 INFO - Driver class not found: com.opera.core.systems.OperaDriver
19:37:37.015 INFO - Driver provider com.opera.core.systems.OperaDriver is not registered
19:37:37.207 INFO - Selenium Grid node is up and ready to register to the hub
19:37:37.313 INFO - Starting auto registration thread. Will try to register every 5000 ms.
19:37:37.316 INFO - Registering the node to the hub:
19:37:37.358 INFO - The node is registered to the hub and ready to use
09:37:33.497 INFO - Executing: [new session: Capabilities [{rotatable=false, nativeEvents=false, browserName=chrome, takesScreenshot=false, javascriptEnabled=true, version=, platform=LINUX, cssSelectorsEnabled=true}]])
09:37:33.553 INFO - Creating a new session for Capabilities [{rotatable=false, nativeEvents=false, browserName=chrome, takesScreenshot=false, javascriptEnabled=true, version=, platform=LINUX, cssSelectorsEnabled=true}]
Starting ChromeDriver 2.20.353124 (035346203162d32c80f1dce587c8154a1efa0c3b) on port 17388
Only local connections are allowed.