
dtseg    segment
data     dw       27345,28521,29533,30105,32375
sum      dw       ?  
MSG1     DB "The sum is : $"  
dtseg    ends
cdseg    segment
main     proc     far
     assume   cs:cdseg,ds:dtseg,ss:stseg
     mov      ax,dtseg
     mov      ds,ax
     clc                       ; clear the carry
     mov      si,offset data   ; first location of data
     mov      cx,04            ; setting the counter
     mov      ax,0             ; clear ax
     mov      bx,ax            ; clear bx
back:add      ax,[si]          ; the first round: 0+27345
     adc      bx,0             ; if there is a carry, add that to bx
     inc      si               ; two inc because traversing words
     inc      si
     dec      cx               ; count down
     jnz      back             ; do that for other numbers
     mov      sum,ax           ; the final value
     mov      sum+2,bx         ; the carries are stored in bx

     lea      dx,MSG1          ; trying to display the result
     mov      ah,09h
     int      21h  
     mov      ah, 4cH          ; return to DOS
     int      21h
main     endp
cdseg    ends  
         end      main

我遵循了基于this topic的示例,但是它在emu8086中不起作用


1 回答 1


此示例向您展示如何将 WORD 值转换AX为字符串并输出。您想将 DWORD 值转换为字符串。在您的情况下,您可以利用DIV在寄存器 DX:AX 中划分 DWORD 的优势。在示例DX中设置为 0,因此第一个想法是删除该行xor dx, dx。但是你DX只需要第一次,然后你必须清除它,因为它包含DIV. 诀窍是在 div之后而不是在它之前执行清除。因此它将第一次使用并在每次重复时清除。

dtseg    segment
data     dw 27345,28521,29533,30105,32375   ; Sum: 147879

sum      dw  ?, ?               ; two WORD = one DWORD
MSG1     DB "The sum is : $"
DECIMAL  db "0000000000$"       ; space for the result
dtseg    ends
cdseg    segment
main     proc     far
     assume   cs:cdseg,ds:dtseg,ss:stseg
     mov      ax,dtseg
     mov      ds,ax
     clc                       ; clear the carry

     mov      si,offset data   ; first location of data
     mov      cx,5             ; setting the counter
     mov      ax,0             ; clear ax
     mov      bx,ax            ; clear bx
back:add      ax,[si]          ; the first round: 0+27345
     adc      bx,0             ; if there is a carry, add that to bx
     inc      si               ; two inc because traversing words
     inc      si
     dec      cx               ; count down
     jnz      back             ; do that for other numbers

     mov      sum,ax           ; the final value
     mov      sum+2,bx         ; the carries are stored in bx

     call mem_to_dec

     lea      dx,MSG1          ; trying to display the result
     mov      ah,09h
     int      21h
     lea      dx,DECIMAL          ; trying to display the result
     mov      ah,09h
     int      21h

     mov      ah, 4cH          ; return to DOS
     int      21h
main     endp

mem_to_dec proc
    mov ax, [sum]
    mov dx, [sum+2]

    mov bx, 10                  ; divisor
    xor cx, cx                  ; CX=0 (number of digits)

        div bx                  ; DX:AX / BX = AX remainder: DX
        push dx                 ; LIFO
        inc cx                  ; increment number of digits
        xor dx, dx              ; Clear DX for the next DIV
        test  ax, ax            ; AX = 0?
        jnz @First_Loop         ; no: once more

        mov di, OFFSET DECIMAL  ; target string DECIMAL
        pop ax                  ; get back pushed digit
        or ax, 00110000b        ; to ASCII
        mov byte ptr [di], al   ; save AL
        inc di                  ; DI points to next character in string DECIMAL
        loop @Second_Loop       ; until there are no digits left

        mov byte ptr [di], '$'  ; End-of-string delimiter for INT 21 / FN 09h
mem_to_dec endp

cdseg    ends
         end      main


于 2015-10-11T10:00:21.760 回答