

// MARK: - Protocols & Protocol Extensions
protocol OutputItem {
    typealias ResultType
    func rawValue() -> ResultType
    // other requirements ...

protocol StringOutputItem : OutputItem {}
extension StringOutputItem {
    typealias ResultType = String
    override func rawValue() -> Self.ResultType {
        return "string ouput"

protocol IntOutputItem: OutputItem {}
extension IntOutputItem {
    typealias ResultType = Int
    override func rawValue() -> Self.ResultType {
        return 123

扩展中的上述覆盖函数rawValue()给出了错误Ambiguous type name 'ResultType' in 'Self'。如果我Self从 中删除,Self.ResultType我会收到错误消息'ResultType' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context



// MARK: - Base Class
class DataItem {
    // Some base class methods
    func randomMethod() -> String {
        return "some random base class method"

// MARK: - Subclasses
class StringItem : DataItem, StringOutputItem {
    // Some subclass methods

class AnotherStringItem : DataItem, StringOutputItem {
    // Some subclass methods

class IntItem : DataItem, IntOutputItem {
    // Some subclass methods


let item1 = StringItem()
print(item1.rawValue())         // should give "string output"

let item2 = AnotherStringItem()
print(item2.rawValue())         // should give "string output"

let item3 = IntItem()
print(item3.rawValue())         // should give 123



1 回答 1


ResultTypeSwift 编译器通过实现的协议方法的类型签名来推断类型。例如,在以下 的声明中StringOutputItem,编译器知道StringOutputItem'sResultType的类型是String,即使没有显式声明:

protocol StringOutputItem: OutputItem {}

extension StringOutputItem {
    func rawValue() -> String {
        return "string output"

class StringItem : DataItem, StringOutputItem {}

let item = StringItem()
print(item.rawValue()) // prints "string output"

我们可以显式声明ResultTypein StringOutputItem,这将确保它StringOutputItem符合OutputItem协议并以正确的类型实现它。


protocol OutputItem {
    typealias ResultType
    func rawValue() -> ResultType
    func printValue(r: ResultType)

protocol StringOutputItem: OutputItem {}

extension StringOutputItem {
    func rawValue() -> String {
        return "string output"
    func printValue(r: Int) {  // Should be String

struct Test: StringOutputItem {} // Error: Type 'Test' does not conform to protocol 'OutputItem'

通过显式声明typealias ResultType = Stringin StringOutputItem,我们确保在实现协议的方法时使用正确的类型。

protocol OutputItem {
    typealias ResultType
    func rawValue() -> ResultType
    func printValue(r: ResultType)

protocol StringOutputItem: OutputItem {}

extension StringOutputItem {
    typealias ResultType = String // without this typealias declaration, the program WILL compile since ResultType is inferred to be of type Int
    func rawValue() -> Int {
        return 123
    func printValue(r: Int) {  

struct Test: StringOutputItem {} // Error: Type 'Test' does not conform to protocol 'OutputItem'
于 2015-10-11T07:31:47.420 回答