
我正在编写一个简单的 VB 表格来计算电费的成本。源代码如下:

Private Sub BtnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnCalculate.Click

        Dim LowUnits As Integer
        'LowUnits is the cost per unit if the integer is lower than [Difference Variable]
        Dim HighUnits As Integer
        'HighUnits is the cost per unit if the integer is higher than [Difference Variable]
        Dim FixedFee As Integer
        'This is the fixed infrastructure fee that all providers charge alongside unit cost
        Dim Difference As Integer
        'Number of units before a premium price [High Units Variable] is charged
        Dim UnitNo As Integer
        'Number of Units that is inputted
        Dim Price As Double

        UnitNo = UnitBox.Text

        If RdoEE.Checked = True Then
            LowUnits = 0.04
            HighUnits = 0.06
            FixedFee = 10
            Difference = 500

        ElseIf RdoPG.Checked = True Then
            LowUnits = 0.04
            HighUnits = 0.06
            FixedFee = 15
            Difference = 600

        ElseIf RdoBG.Checked = True Then
            LowUnits = 0.03
            HighUnits = 0.05
            FixedFee = 20
            Difference = 500

        End If

        If UnitNo <= Difference Then
            Price = 1
            Price = Price * UnitNo
            Price = UnitNo * LowUnits
            Price = Price + FixedFee
            'Price = ((((Price + 1) * UnitNo) * HighUnits) + FixedFee)

        End If

        MsgBox("Your cost is £" & Price & "")

    End Sub
End Class


我必须满足的标准是:“编写一个程序,计算供应商的单位成本并为客户输出总成本。程序必须选择 3 个不同的供应商(EDF Energy、PowerGen 和 British Gas),并且必须输出总成本。EDF 能源收费 0.04 英镑/单位,最高 500 单位,然后 0.06 英镑/单位,超过 500 单位,包括 10 英镑的固定基础设施费用。PowerGen 收费 0.04 英镑/单位,最高 600 单位,然后 0.06 英镑/单位超过 600 个单位,包括 15 英镑的固定基础设施费用。British Gas 收取 0.03 英镑/单位,然后在 500 个单位之后收取 0.05 英镑/单位,包括 20 英镑的固定基础设施费用。


2 回答 2


您在值中存储小数值(例如0.04Integer,这是您的问题,而 VB.NET 不会警告您精度损失。

将本地变量从更改IntegerDecimal- 当使用货币值时总是更喜欢Decimal,因为无法准确表示Double 简单的值0.1。或者更好:使用整数,但使用便士而不是英镑作为基值(所以1== £0.01 和100== £1)。


  • 本地值应使用camelCase大小写,而不是TitleCase.
  • 不要使用匈牙利符号,它现在被认为是不好的做法(并且在许多代码库中被禁止)。它是现代编译器和编辑器之前的时代遗物。但是,仍然可以接受带有 UI 组件指示的名称后缀(因此请考虑britishGasRadioButton用 代替RdoBG)。
  • Option Strict在 VB.NET 中启用。如果启用此选项,您将收到有关缩小操作的编译器警告和错误,这是您在尝试将值缩小DoubleInt32值时遇到的情况。
  • 您不需要检查= True已经是布尔值的值,因此If RdoEE.Checked = True可以简化为If edfEnergyRadio.Checked Then
于 2015-10-09T18:59:08.273 回答

I recommend that you use Option Strict On.

That would highlight a problem with your code:

Dim lowUnits As Integer
lowUnits = 0.04

Can you see that you are trying to assign a floating-point value to a variable of Integer type? Visual Studio would have put a wavy red line under 0.04 and given you a message that "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to 'Integer'."

However, when dealing with numbers as currency, it is usually a Good Idea to use the Decimal data type because it does not have the same rounding errors as representing exact decimal numbers as a Double has.

There is a fairly comprehensive guide regarding using floating-point numbers in computer programming at What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

So, the answer is to declare and use:

Dim lowUnits As Decimal
lowUnits = 0.04D

where the D suffix tells the compiler that 0.04 is a Decimal.

于 2015-10-09T19:04:43.073 回答